"Achieving Success Together"

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Contact Info     Phone: 1 (306) 997-2090

Email: bordenschool@spiritsd.ca

SCC Email: bordenskscc@gmail.com

Education and the school has always been the focal point and integral to our community. It was so important to our pioneers who wanted schooling for their children, as it is today for parents of today’s students.

The Borden School District was organized in 1906. The school was a one room building just north of Dee’s Confectionery and Golding’s Garage. A second classroom was added and moved to the lot where our mayor now lives.

In 1916 a two-story brick schoolhouse was begun to be built. Classes began in Sept., 1917. This building was in the present school yard, just north of the present day school.

In 1929 the school population increased to 75 students in grades 1-10. A public meeting authorized a third classroom. Grades 11 and 12 could now be taught in Borden.

Due to the crumbling bricks and warping floors – from a burst boiler – a new school was built for $61, 310. This is our present school. It had 4 classrooms (1,2,3)(4,5,6)(7,8,9)(10,11,12). Country schools began to close and our present school was enlarged by 2 classrooms and a small gym (1964).

In later years the gym was expanded and a resource room was created.

The school continues to evolve so the high standards Borden expects will continue to be met. The students, staff, parents and community know how important education is and will make every effort to make these standards reachable.