With only a month and a half left of school, we’re starting to gear down to summer holidays! Mr. Woods-Fehr will be teaching the grade one math until the end of the year, while I teach the grade two’s. Mr. Woods-Fehr decided to leave the geometry unit until June and has been focusing on addition and subtraction to twenty. The grade two’s just finished their unit on geometry, identifying 2-D shapes and 3-D objects. We are now starting to add and subtract to one hundred! In ELA, we are finished learning about Fairy Tales and are moving onto Poetry, where we will read and write a variety of poems. We are finishing blends and moving onto digraphs in phonics and continue with story writing in creative writing. I hope to wrap spelling up near the beginning of June, so please keep practicing just a little longer! We are learning about the food groups and making healthy choices in heath class. We also have lot’s going on in science as well. The grade two’s are working on an inquiry based research project on habitats with our teacher librarian, Mrs. Harder. Once they are done this project, they will teach the rest of the class about their habitat. It should be fun! Meanwhile, the grade ones are learning about motion and will soon learn about plants. As a class, we are also beginning a unit on magnets. Thank you for sending the addresses for our Flat Stanley project. We anxiously await the arrival of our flat people after their worldly adventures!