In Social Studies the Grade 8’s are working on a Major Project. It is researching “Countries of the World”. This Project will continue into the New Year. In Science the Grade 8’s are near the end of a unit on “Water Systems”. There will be a major exam on this unit in January before the next report card. In Phys- ical Education the Grade 8’s are in the middle of a combined unit on Floor Hockey and Basketball. This unit leads into fitness testing right away in January when the Grade 8’s return. In Industrial Arts the Grade 8’s are working hard to complete their wood projects which are mostly mirrors, frames and cutting boards. In Art they are just finishing Roman Mosaics, and after the Christmas break the Grade 8’s will start a stained glass pro- ject. In Home Ec. the Grade 8’s are completing the sewing on their Christmas bags. In Math the Grade 8’s are wrapping up Operations with Fractions. Meanwhile, in ELA the Grade 8’s are finishing a project on the Count of Monte Cristo. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!