Since we’ve only been back at school for a couple of weeks, there isn’t much new from the last newsletter update. The grade two’s have finished their math unit on adding and subtracting to eighteen and have begun their next unit on measurement. The grade three’s are also completing their unit on adding and subtracting with Mr. Woods-Fehr. In social studies, we are finally nearing the end of our communities unit and will have a quiz near the end of next week. I hope to sneak in a mini unit on needs and wants before the Winter break next month. We have also been quite en- gaged in science learning about all of the different groups and classifications of animals. In health class, we are shifting from the topic of bullying to what makes a good friend. During ELA, we have been reading several short stories working on different reading strategies such as making connections, visualizing, inferring, learning new vocabulary, comprehension, and working on our fluency and expression as we read. We have also spent a fair amount of time learning how to organize our thoughts and ideas as we write.