It feels again like that colder, blustier weather that seems to track us down every fall is here for a while. Six weeks of our school year have disappeared behind us and Hanley Composite School once again doesn’t appear to be slowing down. This week staff and students are taking part in some Education Week activities. From practices like Stop, Drop, and Read, to a middle years trip to Wanuskewin, as well as a speaker on Treaty Education, this week involved the annual library Book Fair and our fall Tri- Conferences on Oct 16th and 17th. The older version of Parent-Teacher Interviews is becoming an old practice – being replaced by a Tri-Conference: a conversation that involves parent, teacher, AND student. A much more authentic sharing of work habits, practices, and behaviours happens, and when those areas are focused on, then much better learning takes place, always positively affecting the grade. This is the first year that we have had these Tri-Conferences before report cards are sent home – done on purpose to give students a chance to talk about and hear how they could improve, BEFORE the grades are sent home a few weeks later. I would love to hear about what you think of the change. Like always, we will encourage you to keep in contact with your children’s teachers, so if there is a question that comes up after the report cards arrive at home, make sure to contact the teacher to discuss it.
There will also be a big change happening in reporting this year that I want to make you aware of as it’s being finalized. Hanley Composite School will be moving to a Live version of reporting through an online program called PowerSchool. Students first, followed by parents, will gain access to reporting on their progress online by logging in to a site where they will be able to find a list of their courses and marks assigned to their work. Student attendance as well as work habits and behaviours are other areas that can be accessed. We will send home further information as it is available to families from Hanley School.
We had some excitement last month with the news crew out here to see the town and area, the school, a football game, and our newly paved court. It was a lot of fun and a great crowd was here all day.
This week we also held our Meet the Staff BBQ on the first evening of Tri- Conferences. A burger or hotdog, followed by a piece of cake and some witty conversation with one of our staff members was the norm I witnessed this week. It is clear that the teachers in our school care a lot about your children and really do want the best for their education and well-being. I’m proud of them for that.
I want to highlight that we’ll again be hosting another Flu Immunization Clinic on October 25 in the school gym. Be sure to tell others and encourage them to come to the school for a “shot in the arm.”
Extra-Curricular activities are moving along at a fast pace as well. We had a lot of interest in Cross Country this fall and I want to congratulate Chery for her progress to Provincial Competition. The Senior and Junior Volleyball seasons have been filled with a number of tournaments and a lot of practices, both before and after school. Saber Football has had a great undefeated season as well and is looking forward to playoffs starting this weekend in Hanley.
Just a reminder from me that there is no school on Monday, Oct 22 due to evenings put in by teachers for the Tri- Conferences this week. There’s also a couple days, Nov 9 and 12 that there will be no classes as well due to a day of professional development and a stat day recognizing Remembrance Day on Nov 11. We’ll hold a Remembrance Day ceremony at the school on November 8.
Continue to enjoy the year, everyone. Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.