Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

This has been a wonderful month in the K/1 room! De- cember has brought with it a new friend to our room. Ask us about ‘Sparkles’, our Elf on a Shelf. She visits us each day and then flies to the North Pole at night to tell Santa how we were. She sure is cute but she doesn’t talk at all. She is a very good listener though! Also, we have been doing a 12 Days of Books countdown to Christmas Holidays. Each day we unwrap a new book and then Miss Martineau reads it aloud to us. We really like this part of the day! We are still busy with Readers’ Workshop and the Grade 1s have also started Writers’ Workshop. We’re having a lot of fun with both of these. We went to the WDM on Tuesday for our Christmas field trip with the Grade 2/3s. We will tell you all about it in our next newsletter!

Happy Holidays from the K/1s!

Denille Martineau
Teacher Kindergarten/Grade 1