The Grade 3/4 class was surprised to discover the mess that pesky lepre- chaun made over the weekend! He got away, but at least he left us a treat! We’ve had a busy month. Both grades are in the middle of studying fractions in math. We just received letters from our epals in Saskatoon and are busy writing back to them. The students are amazed at how much they have in common with each other! We are studying gravity in Science and will be moving onto learning about sound. Each student is starting an individual writing assignment based on their interests. I am excited to see what they come up with when they are given the freedom to just write! In Reader’s Workshop, students have been retelling stories after reading them in order to gain deeper meaning of the text and to inspire others to read the same book. I look forward to seeing everyone at interviews! Thanks for making adjustments to your schedules to meet with me!