Course work has been keep-ing the grade 12s busy in No-vember. As we are half way through semester one, the students are immersed in learning across all subject are-as. The students have been working exceptionally hard in their PAA courses. Mr. Tyndall has the cabinet makers work-ing overtime to complete their projects on time. Miss Smith and the home economics stu-
dents have begun the sew-ing section of the course and will be making hooded sweaters; just in time for winter. In ELA, the stu-dents began reading the non-fiction novel, The Se-cret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson: A True Story of Love and Murder. When the students have completed the book, they will be writing in-depth literary analysis es-
says. In social studies, the students have just finished learning about the Canadi-an Government and Con-federation. In biology, the students have completed their study of cell struc-tures and have moved on to genetics. Mr. Herman and the pre-calculus stu-dents are learning about trig identities.