There are lots of great things happening in the grade 8 classes as we start this new semester. In Phys. Ed we are working on a Badminton unit and playing various sportsmanship activities and games. In Health, we have started a unit that discusses the services available to communities infected with, and affected by, non-curable infections and diseases. In ELA, the class is working through a novel study on The Giver. In math, we are wrapping up our unit on Measurement and will begin a unit on rational numbers and problem solving shortly. In Home Ec. we are doing a kitchen basics review to get ready to work in the labs and in IA we are developing our isometric drawing skills. We are busy learning about forces, fluids and density in Science and in Social Studies we are ready to present the companies we have created in hopes of landing some investors. We are looking forward to all of the fun things happening around our school this month!