From the Office – Dec 2019

We had a bit of a hit to the system with some chilly temperatures this month so I’m going to cross my fingers that it stays away until January. It’s been a busy month of activities in the classrooms and the hallways as the hustle and bustle of the season is upon us.

Last week we enjoyed our Christmas Family Fun Night as well. It was once again a wonderful evening for the students and their families filled with singing and acting, time for activities and an opportunity for everyone to stop and catch up with other families and friends in what is always a busy time of year. I know many families took advantage of the photo booth as well so that was a nice new touch. Thanks for attending if you were able to be here. Thanks also to the SCC for the hot chocolate and for helping pay for the photo booth.

Plans have again been under way for a while to have our annual Christmas Dinner on Friday. Mrs. Schraeder has everything organized and jobs are in hand for everyone here including the high school students who are always expected and expecting to take part.  Thanks again to everyone for your food and various contributions that make the day and the lunch a good time for everyone.  We’ll again have some School Community Council Members, and some School Division members in attendance as they always enjoy these kind of student days at Hanley Composite School.

This month starts some changes in our staffing again.  We’ll be needing to say good-bye to our two interns, Mr. Hall and Mr. Prokopchuk.  Thanks for all your work and planning and preparation and good luck with the remainder of your studies next semester and your plans for future employment!

Just a reminder that the Hanley School Community Council-produced Community Calendars are in at the office, and can be picked up any time.  The cost is still $10 and it looks great.  Thanks for all your support to the SCC as the funds raised are directly spent by the SCC on something for the school and students.

We’ll be back after the holiday with a short three weeks to finish off some units and prepare for final exams for high school students.  Exams will fall in the last week of January, with a PD day scheduled for Friday, January 31st so teachers can work on marking finals and preparing grade 10-12 report cards set to go home on February 5th.

That’s all for now.  For further information and updates from the students and classrooms, check out our school website at  As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Talk to you soon.