August 26 2020

Schools in the PSSD will start the first week of school with a “Soft Start” in efforts to help students and staff get used to some of the new routines in the school and classrooms. We have worked with Dundurn Elementary to make an alphabetical split that can be arranged for both schools and be similar for families. In the case of any student family members with different last names that cause a conflict, please contact your homeroom teacher to arrange.

Tuesday and Thursday, Sept 8 and 10, students in Hanley School with last names starting in letter A through K can attend school.
Wednesday and Friday, Sept 9 and 11, students in Hanley School with last names starting in letter L through Z can attend school.

Also for your information, Safe School plans are being reviewed by PSSD this week and then I will post those details on our school webpage by the end of the week.  

Lastly today – with families making decisions about what’s best for their students and variety of in-school attendance or Spirit eLearning options, there will be some class adjustments happen in the next couple weeks to keep class sizes similar for splits, etc. Thanks for your support as we adjust and change with current information.