Dec 4 2020

Hello Hanley School families.

I wanted to take a moment to commend all the families for working together with the school this fall on so many new items and changes that we’ve all had to make part of our routines and expectations – not only for the students, but for the staff and bus drivers and parents.

It’s been a positive fall here in so many ways and the struggle that it is for everyone to miss the extras that we’ve simply become used to as persons involved in this school and in educating your children will not last forever. Please look for the positives and the joy that this season can provide, and let’s continue to be thankful for the good things we can enjoy either together or across distances with our loved ones and families and friends.

On behalf of the staff here at our school, thank-you for the support this fall, the understanding when something needs to be different than we’re all used to, and the belief that we are all doing the best we can with a difficult situation. We are all looking forward to a positive end of December and the year 2020 and I think we are also all looking forward to some changes and good news around the world in the new year.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.