From the Office – Nov 2021

It seems like at least once each winter I find myself writing our newsletter message while we have a winter storm rolling outside. If you’ve had students in our school before this year, you know the next part of my message is going to remind families that adequate footwear and jackets and mitts and head coverings are important not only for recess time outside, but also includes for bus students in case of a bus breakdown on route.

Thank you for your emails of support and well wishes as we all move ahead this year. Staff continue to do an amazing job adjusting to this year’s restrictions and I know a lot of that is also due to the way our students take in stride the adjustments they have to make as well. We’ll continue to find ways to be creative in our planning for annual Hanley School events. We moved ahead with a Remembrance Program this year, and the grade 11 students did a wonderful job planning it for a separate elementary group in the gym followed by a second program of grades 7-12 students, separating the grade 7-8 students on the balcony and the grade 9-12 on the gym floor. Great job, Grade 11 and your teachers Mr. Hutchinson and his intern teacher Mr. Imes!

We were so happy around here this fall to plan and cheer on our extra-curricular programs as well! The SRC and School clubs as well as Cross-Country, junior and senior Volleyball and Football teams moved ahead this fall and the good feelings brought to our school this fall are making a big difference for the positive for everyone. We all hope that continues and we can plan for more of the same as the year moves ahead.  

With the current weather happening I’ll add here some details of the PSSD policy of bussing in cold weather – a combined temperature and wind chill that drops to minus 40 degrees at 6am will cancel buses for the morning run. That announcement can be made at  In previous years that would cancel the trips for the day – the new practice will be that if the temperature improves then the bus will run in the afternoon. Classes will never be cancelled on those days – the school is required to remain open for those students who do make it to school, including those whose parents drive them in. Class work will continue and students can look for online work posted by their teachers to keep up on those days.

I’ll offer the Cold Cats program for students again this year for students in grades K-7. Again, remember that this is an option on the indoor recess days for students who still want to go outside for some fresh air and outdoor play. I’ll be supervising them on those days on the playground. They can go back in when they get cold or once they’ve had enough, but it’s sure a great option for many of them to get some fresh air and exercise, even though its very cold. Please ensure those students are prepared with warm clothing and accessories so they can enjoy the recess – head and face coverings are a must. Call or email the school to sign up your Cold Cat student to be on our list. We even have long sleeve Cold Cats shirts for sale for $10!

The annual Christmas lunch and the Family Fun night will still need to be cancelled this year while the restrictions about large gatherings are still in place. That said I know that the staff will work on a few in-school ideas that will be done instead in December.

The Quad One classes are now completed for High School students and the first evaluation part of the year as well. We are not sending home paper copies of report cards again this year and I’ll direct you to the PowerSchool Parent app that will give you access to all the details of those marks and comments on the progress your children are making this year. Teachers are always reachable by email or phone calls at the school if you have questions or concerns on the details of the student progress reports.

That’s all for now.  For further information and updates from the students and classrooms, check out our school website at  As always, Mr. Hindmarsh and I would love to talk to you if you have time to send us a message or give us a call. We’ll talk to you soon.