From the Office – March 2022

It’s been a nice change for us to move back to some of our previous habits and annual traditions this last month. The staff has been commenting on it as well, but we all know that building up some of those routines and traditions will take some work and support. The SRC planned some activities this week and a movie for the elementary students on our ski day and it’s great that we can support their plans as they arrange a pep rally and spirit week dress up days, and leprechaun trap building, and more! Stay tuned for other details as the year moves ahead. To the SRC: we’re all super proud of your efforts and energizing these events!

Our grade 5-12 ski trip to Table Mountain was a great success and even though the cold weather that morning made us wonder if we’d indeed have buses to take us there, it was a great day of fun for the students and staff and we look forward to another day like it next year! Thanks again Mr. Block for arranging the day for everyone!

There was also some attention given to Pi Day on Monday this week as grade 7 classes had some fun activities with math and some apple and blueberry and pumpkin pie treats to go with it. Grade 7s also have a bake sale this week and a field trip planned later this month.

Extra-curricular activities and athletics are continuing as we move through the year as well. Our curling teams hosted districts here and the mixed senior team competed at Regionals but their progress ended there. Thanks to Mr. Freeden and Mr. Freeden for sweeping that one to the finish and both of them and myself will work with those students who are interested in Badminton this spring. Mr. Hindmarch also worked with the junior boys who wanted to practice some basketball skills after school in January and February. And I know that Mrs. Koroll has also looked ahead to Track and Field season and booked a T&F clinic day for students to kick off those events. As is common each spring a lot of staff help out supervising after school and we’ll look forward to the district meet in May for students to compete.

Thank you to Mrs. Jamie Blacklock for volunteering her time and efforts to coach the Senior Boys Basketball team this season. I know the boys appreciated the season to improve on their skills and compete against other schools that also had teams.

We have our spring Tri-Conferences scheduled for March 30th and 31st this month from 5pm-7:30pm on Wednesday evening and 3:30pm-6pm on Thursday. Many families have already booked interviews but there are still lots of openings for you to book yourself and your student in for. Call or email Mrs. Block and she can help you do that for an in-person, or online, or phone call interview of your choice.

Some of our grade 9 and 10 students have been chosen to take part in this year’s PISA testing across the country. Those students born in 2006 who are Hanley School students will complete an online test in May and the combined results will be used to help program plan for students across the country. 

That’s all for now.  For further information and updates from the students and classrooms, check out our school website at  As always, Mr. Hindmarsh and I would love to talk to you if you have time to send us a message or give us a call. We’ll talk to you soon.