From the Office – December 2022

We’re in the middle of a pretty cold week for the last days before the Christmas Break. The temperatures and windchill are bringing a combined reading lower than 40 below today! The school division’s policy of no buses running when it gets that cold has affected a number of day already this winter so we’ll have to see how many more in January. It’s good to see the students that do get here on those days to catch up on any missing assignments and to work with their friends and other students as well.

The SCC Hanley Community Calendars are finished and ready for pick up at the school office for those who ordered one. The picture was taken by Charlotte McGregor and we thank her for sharing it with us to use. Thank you as well to all the advertisers for their continued business and their ad on the calendar. Your support for our school is appreciated!

Our annual Christmas dinner is still scheduled on Thursday this week and it’s wonderful to bring back the tradition we’ve been fortunate to have had with students in the gym sharing a meal. Thank you to Mrs. Schraeder for organizing it!

Mr. C Freeden has been arranging a new activity for the high school students to take part in with a hockey game on Thursday afternoon at the rink after the clean-up jobs from lunch have been taken care of. Students and some staff members will play and many students are helping as well. We have some classes that will be going to the rink to watch and cheer them on.

The Basketball season is underway and along with my own Junior Boys team, we have Miss Randall coaching the Senior Girls and Mrs. Tasha Grasby volunteering her time to coach the Senior Boys. Thank you both for giving your time to those programs.

Next month will wrap up our first semester this year. We’ll send out an exam schedule in January for the exams that will fall between January 25th and 30th.

I think we’re working out the bugs in the Edsby program that the school division is now using for marks and attendance and report cards and communication. Parents can also use it to clear their student’s attendance before school each day if it’s needed. I wanted to thank you for you patience and your willingness to try something new. Many of you have reported that you like using it more that you did PowerSchool and that it’s a good change. Our next set of reporting marks for students in grades 7-12 will take place at the end of January and will be ready to access in Edsby at the beginning of February!

We’ll have some staffing changes after the Christmas break I can tell you about here next. Mr. Hutchinson will return after his leave and we want to thank Mrs. Stanley for her work the last five weeks she joined our school! Mr. Hindmarsh is taking an education leave starting in January to go back to school for the remainder of the school year. Mr. Block will be our Vice-Principal after Christmas for the rest of this school year, and some classes will be shifted as we adjust some schedules. Mr. L Freeden will assume some of the classes from both of them and we will welcome Ms. Brittany Nedelec to our school staff in January as well to take some of Mr. Freeden’s classes. Ms. Nedelec has subbed in our school recently this past month or so and is looking forward to her position.  

Thank you for a positive first four months of this school year and your support of our school, our staff and our work with your students. I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas season, and Season’s Greetings to everyone as well as you enjoy time with family and friends. The first day back for students after the break will be on January 9th. That’s all for now.  For further information and updates from the students and classrooms, check out our school website at  As always, Mr. Hindmarsh and I would love to talk to you if you have time to send us a message or give us a call. We’ll talk to you soon.