May 2011 From the Office

The end of the year is approaching quickly and activities here at the school are at a fevered pitch! Please watch for the various field trip announcements and permission forms that continue to be sent home at this time of year. Even with all the extra-curricular activity, our primary focus is on academics and we want to stress the importance of our students ending the year on a strong and positive note.

Today our Grade 6 – 12 track team is competing at the Conference meet at Griffith’s Stadium in Saskatoon. We have about 90 students competing and we wish all our competitors good luck as it is sure to be a great day. The district meet is on Friday, May 27th and advancing athletes will then compete at the provincial meet on June 3rd and 4th in Regina. Congratulations to all our competitors and thanks to all staff who are involved coaching and supervising. For our younger students, we will again be hosting the Hanley/Dundurn Kindergarten to Grade 6 Play Day and Track Meet on Friday, June 3rd. We are hoping for great weather and invite the community to come out and cheer on these young athletes.

We have two other big events coming up in June that we are also excited about. First of all we have our annual Graduation ceremonies taking place on Friday, June 10th. The Grade 12’s, their parents and our staff are busy preparing for this wonderful occasion. Secondly, our Grade 1 – 6 students will again be joining Dundurn Elementary to participate in the triathlon on June 17th at Blackstrap Provincial Park. The students are training by taking swimming lessons and taking part in a triathlon clinic. We also hope that the community can join us in our “Dunk a Duck” fundraiser on June 1st. Look for more details in this newsletter.

On a final note, our Kindergarten to Grade 9 report cards will be sent home with the students on the last day of classes, Tuesday, June 28th. Grade 10 to 12 students may come to the school between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 30th to pick up their report

Have a great Spring season!
Mrs. Janice Key, Principal
Mr. Mark Anderson Vice-Principal