Welcome back, everyone! The K/1 class has gotten off to a great start! A special welcome to our new Kindergarten class and Abigail in Grade 1! This month we will be working on establishing our classroom routines. Grade 1s start their day by doing Daily Language Reviews, phonics and printing. We will also be starting the R.E.E. (Read Every Evening) program in the next week or so. In Math the 1s are starting the year off with patterning and in Social Studies we are discussing different types of families. In Art we have begun to sketch self-portraits and will paint them with water colours. The Kindergarten focus for the first couple of months will be fine motor skills and routine. They start the day off by doing a cutting or pencil activity. In Math we will be sorting and making patterns. The theme this month is Royalty, so we are doing lots of activities with the stories we are reading about kings, queen, princesses, dragons, and brave knights! During play time the K-students have been exploring our different centres. Toys and cars, the sandbox and the art centre are very popular so far! I look forward to seeing everyone at Meet the Staff Night!