I’m not sure if it was that old groundhog coming out on a cloudy day, or just some shifting weather that’s making it possible, but it’s sure nice to see Spring and the sun out and watch the snow melting. The school yard is still holding a lot of moisture so it would be a good idea to send rubber boots to school with students who will be outside during the day.
I notice that every month I let you know how proud I am of the students at Hanley Composite School and this month is no different. I’d like to highlight another fundraising event that the elementary students participated in called Jump Rope for Heart. $3651.00 was raised for the Heart and Stroke Foundation – Fantastic Job everyone! To make you aware of another charity fundraiser – the school staff raised over $540 for Telemiracle this year through some casual days in February.
A couple months ago I made you aware of some classroom data projectors we’d been getting into place in our school for teaching use – at the same time I mentioned our hopes to make improvements to the sound system in the gym. Out hopes would be to have a good system in place by graduation this year. As always, these are costly ventures for our school so if you or someone you know happens to trip over one of those pots-of-gold this month and are in a sharing mood, make sure to let us know.
I want to encourage you to make arrangements to attend Tri-conferences this month on the evenings of March 21nd and 22rd from 5:00-7:30 pm. Teachers would like to see you and their students and discuss their progress this semester. Mrs. Block is taking calls to schedule those interviews if you give her a call.
In the area of school activities, I’d like to wish congratulations to our Curling and Basketball teams for some great seasons this year. Junior and Senior Badminton is our next sport that will take us into April with Spring Senior Golf and Track and Field to follow into May. Drama is well under way as well getting ready for the Drama Night on April 17th and Dessert Theatre on April 18th. Tickets are for sale at the office.
I’d like to plug one other program that is aimed at high school students who are working towards apprenticing in a trades after high school. A Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship program can save a student up to 300 hours of work in their first year after graduation as well as tuition by completing some self-education about apprenticing. Please encourage students in grades 10-12 to drop by the office to see me so I can register them for the program.
I think that’s enough for another month. Reminders that students don’t have school on an upcoming General Assembly day for teachers on March 23rd as well as March 26th due to a day in lieu of Tri-conference evenings. Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.