What a great autumn; I can’t believe that October is half over already! Hopefully everyone can make it out to the “Meet the Staff” BBQ on Tuesday, which kicks off our student, parent, and teacher conferences for the fall. Please remember to contact Mrs. Block in the office to book your conference time with your child. It would be nice to see everyone there!
Just a reminder that the Halloween parade will start at 1:00pm on the 31st if you were interested in coming to watch. We will start getting the kids in their costumes around 12:45pm.
The students are very excited about learning and have settled down into our class routines. In math, the grade one’s are learning about numbers to twenty with Mr. Woods-Fehr, while the grade two’s are learning about numbers to one hundred with me. In ELA, we are about halfway through reviewing the alphabet letters and sounds with the grade one’s. I hope to finish this up in the next month or so and then they will begin spelling with the grade two’s. The two’s have done awesome with the spelling program so far. We are starting to talk about making connections as we read, so that is something that you could also focus on at home. Please remember to review the weekly sight words for grade one’s as it helps reinforce what we are learning at school. We are continuing to talk about safety in health, the senses in science, as well as belonging in our world for social studies. As always, please feel free to pop in or send me a message if there are any questions or concerns that may arise. I look forward to seeing everyone next week at the BBQ!