Grade 1 & 2 News

Well another month has passed us by and the Grade 1/2 class has been very busy!! Here is a look at some of what this month has brought us!

  • Coooooold weather
  • Indoor recesses (with many paper airplanes!)
  • More animal research 100 Day fun
  • Groundhogs day
  • Heart art
  • Olympics Homemade ice cream with our buddies (YUM!)
  • Reading Writing Skating
  • And Valentine’s Day!

As I already mentioned, it was a busy month but we also had a lot of fun. We are all looking forward to a week off and hopefully some warmer temperatures! Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

Grade 1 & 2 News

For those of you that I have never met, I would like to introduce myself! My name is Janet Adelman and I am currently covering Stacey Romanchuk’s maternity leave. I am so excited to be working with this Grade 1/2 class for the rest of the 2014 school

Here are a few things we are currently working on at school. In Math, the Grade 1’s have started a new unit on measurement and they are comparing and ordering lengths and comparing area, capacities and masses. The Grade 2’s finished up their unit on Adding and Subtracting to 18 and are now working on geometry! We are
learning lots about all sorts of different shapes. In ELA, our class has been doing more work with centers and we have recently added a listening center. Soon we will be starting an author study on Robert Munsch with Ms. Burgess in the library. In Science we have been learning about different animals and which animal group they belong to (Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insects or other). Feel free to test your child at home to see what they have learned. Social has got our class learning about different kinds of maps and soon we will be learning about our community. In Art we have been experimenting with water colour paint and pastels and in Health we are learning about how to keep ourselves healthy!

We have been very busy in the two weeks back from the break but we have been having a lot of fun! I have thoroughly enjoyed the past two weeks with this class and I am looking forward to what the rest of this year has to bring! Always feel free to contact me any time about any questions, concerns or anything!

Janet Adelman

Grade 1 & 2 News

Wow, what a busy time of year! We are in the middle of wrapping up several units and beginning new ones. The grade ones are starting a unit on adding and subtracting to twelve with Mr. Woods-Fehr, while the grade two’s are starting a unit on adding and subtracting to eighteen with me. In Language Arts, the grade ones have finally finished their review of the alphabet letters and sounds, and are starting spelling. Their first spelling test will be this Friday.

We are also currently working on a nursery rhymes unit for the month of November. We have been making connections to what we are reading and are starting to answer the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) as we read stories. These are both great strategies to discuss with your child as you read stories at home as well. We are continuing to work on sentence structure in writing and will soon write letters to Santa! Our guided reading centers are going

well and the students seem to enjoy rotating through various activities during this time. We are just wrapping up our units in science, social studies, and health. Our new units that we will begin are on animals for science, communities of the past for social studies, as well as making healthy choices for health.

Grade 1 & 2 News

What a great autumn; I can’t believe that October is half over already! Hopefully everyone can make it out to the “Meet the Staff” BBQ on Tuesday, which kicks off our student, parent, and teacher conferences for the fall. Please remember to contact Mrs. Block in the office to book your conference time with your child. It would be nice to see everyone there!

Just a reminder that the Halloween parade will start at 1:00pm on the 31st if you were interested in coming to watch. We will start getting the kids in their costumes around 12:45pm.

The students are very excited about learning and have settled down into our class routines. In math, the grade one’s are learning about numbers to twenty with Mr. Woods-Fehr, while the grade two’s are learning about numbers to one hundred with me. In ELA, we are about halfway through reviewing the alphabet letters and sounds with the grade one’s. I hope to finish this up in the next month or so and then they will begin spelling with the grade two’s. The two’s have done awesome with the spelling program so far. We are starting to talk about making connections as we read, so that is something that you could also focus on at home. Please remember to review the weekly sight words for grade one’s as it helps reinforce what we are learning at school. We are continuing to talk about safety in health, the senses in science, as well as belonging in our world for social studies. As always, please feel free to pop in or send me a message if there are any questions or concerns that may arise. I look forward to seeing everyone next week at the BBQ!


Grade 1 & 2 News

It’s been a great couple of weeks back at school! The students are settling into a nice routine. In ELA, we are spending September reviewing the alphabet letters and sounds, numbers, and colours. We are starting to learn sight words, which will be written in the planners every week so that you can focus on those words at home as well; there will be five new words each week that both grades will learn to read. The grade two’s did awesome on their first spelling test last week….what a good start to the year! Starting next week, the grade two’s are going to be picking some chapter books from the library for home reading. The grade one’s will be bringing a notebook home from time to time called “My First Stories” where they can show off some of their new reading skills! In math, the grade one’s are learning about patterns with Mr.  Woods-Fehr, while the grade two’s are learning about patterns with me. We are starting a unit on Senses in science, Safety in health, as well as Belonging in Our World for social studies. Please feel free to pop in for a visit if you have any questions or concerns!


Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Happy ‘Last Week of Classes’ to everyone!

We are keeping very busy as our school year comes to an end. We have been growing beans in ziploc bags with just paper towels as the “soil”. We have also been enjoying watching our sunflowers grow. Some are getting really tall!

The 1s are finishing up their wacky fairy tales in ELA and are almost done their addition and subtraction unit in Math.

The Ks have been working hard with their Grade 1 buddies to create Alphabet books. It has been fun watching them come up with words and having ‘lightbulb’ moments! We are about to do a quick study of Canadian coins before the end of the year. Be sure to quiz us on them over the summer!

We are going swimming at CC Pool on Monday, June 24 at 11AM. The swim will be followed by a BBQ. More details will be sent home soon!

Wishing you all a VERY happy and safe summer!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

The snowhill is gone! The snowhill is gone!

We are continuing to have a very busy K/1 classroom. We have been trying to go outside as much as possible to take in the sunshine and to learn about our surroundings.

We spent a class cleaning up our schoolyard with the Grade 6s. We had a great time making our school look beautiful. There was a LOT of garbage that had collected over the winter.

We have been learning about weather/climate in Science. Did you know that the big, poofy clouds are called Cumulus clouds? We even got to make our own clouds out of shaving cream and glue. But don’t worry, we know that’s not how real clouds feel!

The Ks are currently learning about measurement in Math. We are paying particular attention to using proper words to describe things: bigger, shorter, taller, wider, heavier, lighter, etc.

The 1s have been working on a Geometry unit. We have been learning how to describe shapes and what makes them similar or different. We have been playing Shapes Bingo and even went on a shape scavenger hunt!

Together, the K/1s have been learning about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit cultures. We’ve learned how important the shape of a ‘circle’ is to First Nations people. Ask us about it to find out!

We are going to the Children’s Festival on June 4 with Grade K-5. We are going to see an acrobatic show, as well as meet the author of the “Pete the Cat” series! We are very excited.

We hope that you all continue to have a wonderful Spring!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Happy Spring (?) to Everyone! We have been very busy in the K/1 classroom for the past month!

Here Are Just a Few Things We’ve Been Up To

  • We are having lots of fun with our lentil activity table–it sure makes a big mess though!
  • We did a gummy bear experiment with our Grade 6 buddies. Did you know that when you put a gummy bear into water it gets almost twice as big?
  • We are practicing lots of locomotor skills in Phys. Ed which means we jump, hop, roll, skip, slither, etc. as we move around the gym!
  • The 1s just finished their “Anywhere in the World” projects. We each picked a place in the world we’d like to go and researched some information about it. We picked: Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Hawaii, and San Francisco. We learned lots of cool things about these places!
  • We have been learning about the weather (and how crazy it can be!) and the seasons in our new Science unit.
  • We have been enjoying learning about First Nation Culture in our special circle time each morning.

We sure hope that this weather smartens up soon so that we can shed our snow-suits! 

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

February has already been an awesome month in the K/1 room! Here are a few things that we’ve been busy with: Readers’ Workshop, counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, and working on being good friends. We are looking forward to going skating with the Grade 6s. We are very lucky to have such great role models in our school! The Grade 1s are still busy with Writer’s Workshop. Our writing stamina is up to 23 minutes! We are loving Science because we each picked an animal to learn about. We are learning about: seals, sea lions, snakes, alligators, and cats! We look in books and on the computer to learn about

their habitat, what they eat, and where they find their water.

We are excited for the rest of February and for the beginning of March! We wish everyone a Happy February break!

The K/1s & Miss Martineau

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

January has been a great month in the K/1 room! We have been busy working on numbers. We even went on a number hunt around the school! The Ks were very excited when we got to the high school lockers–SO MANY NUMBERS!!

As promised, we’d like to tell you about our WDM field trip: We had such a good time there. As the 2/3s participated in a Christmas program we got to tour around the museum. We especially liked the trains. We could’ve spent hours at that display! After the WDM we got to stop at McDonald’s for lunch. It was so delicious! What a great day!

We are still busy with Readers’ Workshop and the Grade 1s have been working on their ‘writing stamina’ in Writers’ Workshop. Did you know that we can already write for 15 minutes straight!?

The Grade 1s decided that they’d like to learn about sharks this month. They are excited to teach the Ks everything that they’ve been discovering!