In Social Studies the Grade 8’s are working on a Major Project. It is researching “Countries of the World”. This Project will continue into the New Year. In Science the Grade 8’s are near the end of a unit on “Water Systems”. There will be a major exam on this unit in January before the next report card. In Phys- ical Education the Grade 8’s are in the middle of a combined unit on Floor Hockey and Basketball. This unit leads into fitness testing right away in January when the Grade 8’s return. In Industrial Arts the Grade 8’s are working hard to complete their wood projects which are mostly mirrors, frames and cutting boards. In Art they are just finishing Roman Mosaics, and after the Christmas break the Grade 8’s will start a stained glass pro- ject. In Home Ec. the Grade 8’s are completing the sewing on their Christmas bags. In Math the Grade 8’s are wrapping up Operations with Fractions. Meanwhile, in ELA the Grade 8’s are finishing a project on the Count of Monte Cristo. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Category Archives: Classes
Grade 7 News
The grade 7 classroom is full of excitement for this Christmas Season! I just know all the kids are on Santa’s “Nice” list! However, along with all the happiness, we are sad to see our intern, Mrs. Kinzel, wrap up her time with us. She has been a pleasure to have around and her positive and outgoing spirit will be missed. Thanks for everything, Mrs. Kinzel! Good luck in your future career!
We have been working through fractions in math and “What’s so Funny?” in English. In social, we are beginning a new unit that will explore political, economic and social influences on the quality of one’s life. In science, we have just wrapped up Characteristics of Life. We have been working hard and have earned out Christmas Break!
In January, we are planning on going to Table Mountain for a day of downhill skiing! We are tentatively booked for January 27th, but depending on the amount of snow, we may need to postpone. Nevertheless, the Grade 7s will be fundraising for this outing. We will be selling Prairie Meats as a fundraiser. We will begin this fundraiser shortly after we return from Christmas Break. On January 17th, the Outreach Program from the Saskatchewan Science Centre will be in Hanley to work with our K-7 students. Each age group will be taking part in age appropriate science explorations! More information will be sent home early in the New Year.
In closing, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas. May your lives be filled with Blessings and all the best to you and yours in the coming New Year! As always, please do not hesitate to call me should you have any ques- tions or concerns. I can be reached at the school, 544-2511, or by email.
Grade 6 News
The grade 6s start their day with 20 minutes of In Motion activity each day.
In ELA they are reading Half Brother and talking about relationships and children’s stories. In Math, students are practicing multiplication and learning geometry. Social Studies has them finishing their Saskatchewan symbols posters. Science has been busy trying to finish plants and animal classification. Next, we will be moving on to flight. In Phys. Ed. we are working on our basketball and floor hockey skills as well as fitness.
Grade 4 & 5 News
The months have seemed to fly by in the Grade 4/5 classroom! We have finished up our Science unit on Light and made some interesting discoveries with some fun experiments in this unit! Our Autobiographies are wrapped up and now some are creating videos to correspond with our essays, it has been a lot of fun learning about everyone in our classroom! Thank you to Mrs. Kinzel for the Social Studies unit she just wrapped up, we had fun learning about explorers and the First Nations people of Canada. Christmas Concert took a lot of practicing but it all paid off to see the performance on Wednesday night. Great work! I am so proud of everyone’s ef- forts! Have a great holiday and we will see you in the New Year!
Grade 2 & 3 News
I can’t believe it’s Christmas holidays already! We have had a busy month preparing for the Christmas concert and have had a few special guests join us in grade two and three. At the be- ginning of the month, Mrs. Leier (our school councillor) came in a couple of times to present a bullying workshop with us for health class. Then Mrs. Prout (my mom who’s a retired school teacher) came to make a Christmas craft with the kids. This week, Miss Rugg (an intern majoring in art) came to teach us how to draw people. We have sure enjoyed having all of the extra company! We have also spent a lot of time on our writing skills, working on organizing our thoughts, using details, and we also wrote friendly letters which we mailed to Santa Claus. We recently got some new readers in that we are using for guided reading in ELA as well. Please continue to read with your child at home on a daily basis, as some students have not been filling out their reading logs consistently. Remember that the students should have a chapter book to read to you and that the story books may be more appropriate for you to read to them. We’ve spent a fair amount of time on social studies and are hoping to wrap up our community unit within the first couple of weeks in January. We haven’t had a lot of time for science, but will continue with our animal unit in the new year. In math, the grade two’s are half way through our unit on addition and subtraction to twenty, while the grade three’s are learning to add and subtract with three digit numbers. Please continue to practice mental math skills at home to strengthen these con- cepts as well. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christ- mas holiday and I look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Kindergarten & Grade 1 News
We are winding down to the holiday in the K/1 room! The Christmas concert was a great success! The kids were wonderful and it was great to see the families come out to the show. December has been a month of lots of arts and crafts, reading Christmas stories, writing letters to Santa and playing in our Christmas centres. After the break Kindergartens will continue exploring numbers to 20 in math. Please have your child practice counting forwards and backwards between 0 and 20. We have also been practicing writing our num- bers from 0 to 10. To chal- lenge your child at home, try having them recognize num- ber words from 0 to 10. The Grade 1s will continue with simple addition and subtraction to 12. Strategies we will be using include utilizing a number line, drawing a picture and counting on. In the last newsletter I said that there will be a field trip in January and that has now changed to mid-February. It will be on the next take-home calendar.
Merry Christmas and all the best in 2012!
Grade 12 News
The Grade Twelve class is currently having fun with triangles in Math and cruising through the novel Three Day Road in English and Social. Mrs. Prakash has been showing us some very cool experiments in Chemistry. A few days ago the Home Ec. Class went to Celestial Photography to get some beautiful photos done and had a blast! The IA class is slowly, but surely, completing their projects.
Grade 11 News
Winter is fast approaching and who can believe that Christmas is right around the corner. However, we need to keep studying because we are busier than ever in our classes. In Pre- Calculus, we are learning about quadratic equations and in Work Placement Math, we are learning about trigonometry. We are finishing our Ecological Organization Projects in Biology and will have a test on Wednes- day, Nov. 16th. In Physics, we have just started the Light Unit. In Biology and Physics, we are showing our creative sides, which is resulting in wonderful art work. We are having a blast playing sports in Gym. In English, we are all working together to plan the schools Remembrance Day ceremony.
Grade 10 News
Well, we’re at that time of year again: half way between the start of school and Christmas – well, give or take, anyway. November is a busy time of year. In Science, they’ve started learning chemistry, starting with the history of the at- om. “Challenges in Life” is the focus in ELA. The students have been exploring this by studying two people who ran across the Sahara Desert. In Social, they’ve been studying elections, and just watched Wag the Dog. In IA, they’ve been cabinet making, and Home Ec has been doing interior design. In Driver’s Ed, the pylon course has been seeing a lot of use as our budding young learners prepare for gravel roads. Math has seen them finishing up a project and now studying for their test on Surface Area and Volume. And, last but not least, in Wellness, the students have been playing Beach Volleyball (inside, and minus the beach) and JukeBall. Have a great month!
Grade 9 News
Hello from the Grade Nine Class! Wow we have had an awesome year so far. In E.L.A we just finished Romeo & Juliet and are about to write a SUPER HARD “ROMEO AND JULIET” TEST THAT ONLY A BRILLIANT ROBOT CAN PASS! In math, we are working on our Rate, Ration and Proportion project. Science we are having a blast, Mr. Tyndall keeps up the razzle and the dazzle in the Science lab. In Industrial Arts we are continuing on Welding and Small Engines and in Home Ec. we have moved on to learning how to sew and knit. Physical Education is a real hoot; every- one has been enjoying Tchoukball. Miss Rugg has us making surreal art and graffiti in our Art class. In Social Studies, we are exploring Ancient Civilizations. Our “Take our Kids to Work” day was very successful. Thank you to all those parents and businesses who helped out.
Have you heard of Greta? Greta has apparently been here since the 60’s, she has been haunting our room and we are starting to get annoyed with the strange happenings. Our class cheese- burger, “Maddy”, is now 75 days old and still looking and smelling terrific. Way to go little fella.
All in all, we love school, our teachers and each other.