The Grade 9 class has been extremely busy. They have continued to learn about Ancient Civilizations in Social Studies and Mythology in English. They just finished writing their own myths and are excited to share them with each other. In Science, they are learning about Electricity and how circuits work. They are becoming aware of the negative effects of drugs and alcohol in Health 9, which they recently started. They are working hard to learn about and solve equations with variables in Math and are playing a variety of games in gym. They have also recently switched PAA courses and the students are enthusiastic about their new courses.
Category Archives: Classes
Grade 10
Well, we’re a couple weeks into second semester already, and the grade tens are loving it! In ELA they’ve begun a mysterious and challenging unit – on Mysteries and Challenges! They’re calculating areas and volumes of pyramids, cones and spheres in Math. In Wellness, they’re playing broomball (which only occasionally resembles swordfighting). In Wildlife Management, students got to witness the skinning of a beaver. They are also studying some wilderness survival skills. In Science, they’re studying Motion (which might seem like a repeat from the last newsletter, BUT, students who took Science last term are taking Social this term, and vice versa – the fun part of having the tens split into two classes). In Social Studies, they’re studying Interdependence of Societies. Our young chefs in Commercial Cooking prepared hard for their first hot lunch – Taco in a Bag. And finally, our future designers in IA are working on house plans in preparation for getting started in Computer Assisted Drafting. Have a great Day!
Grade 11
Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful break. In Work Placement 20, we are graphing and learning to calculate slope. In the Pre-Calculus 20 class, we are working on geometric and arithmetic sequences and series. In PAA 20, we are creating meals from around the world. In Construction 20, we are constructing saw horses. In Environmental Science 20, we are creating a visual representation of our feelings, thoughts, beliefs, etc. towards the environment. Not an easy task, but an interesting one. In Psychology 30, we are exploring the needs of early childhood development and exploring an independent topic to research. In ELA/History, we are reading The Book Thief.
Grade 12
Semester two is already busy as the grade 12s dive headfirst into their studies. In physics, the students are learning about vector diagrams and using them to solve equations. The chemistry crew is learning about heat and thermodynamics. The ELA class is in the midst of studying texts about self and identity. They have been completing a response journal assignment during the unit. On the ELA horizon, is an in-depth study of the Shakespearian tragedy Hamlet. The Psychology 30 class has been learning about developmental psychology. They are currently looking at the developmental process during early childhood. Preparations for grad are underway! The students are starting to discuss and decide the details of their special day
Grade 2
Welcome to 2016! We have had a great couple weeks back after our Christmas break. We have started a new math unit on adding and subtracting numbers to twenty. Please practice mental math equations with your child at home to assist them with this unit. Our first spelling test went off without a hitch! The students were thrilled to incorporate it into our daily 5 routine and were quite excited to have a test! For writer’s workshop, we have been talking about the difference between fiction and nonfiction stories. The kids have been working on some very imaginative creative writing stories! We are working on wrapping up our social studies unit on communities and will soon begin a new science unit on properties of solids, liquids and gases. We recently studied Vincent Van Gogh in art and the grade two’s made some beautiful replicas of his Starry Night.
Grade 1&3
The 3/4 class has had a busy month! We have paid attention to our mental images while reading and are working on our questioning skills to build background knowledge and to gain deeper meaning of what we are reading. The 3s are off on their second writing projects and many of them are writing non-fiction texts. The 1s have been practicing spacing out their words, using lines properly, using upper and lowercase properly, and writing 2-3 sentences at a time. The 3s are studying addition and subtraction strategies in math and the 1s continue with addition and subtraction. In science, both groups are taking care of the garden and studying plants. The 1s did an excellent job on presenting their family traditions! The 3s have been drawing comparisons between schools in Kenya and in Canada. They have been also practicing their note-taking skills. The group just learned about healthy and non-healthy behaviours in health class by applying them to the Medicine Wheel. The 3s are learning some basic first aid and will be practicing their skills on the grade 1s! Stay warm!
Grade 4-6
The grade 4,5,6 class has been busy learning about different states of matter in science. We have made outrageous ooze as well as ice cream. We will also be making butter to see how the cream changes from one state to another. The students will be bringing home a handout about doing their own science lab. I am sure they will be great. We are about to begin a mystery unit in ELA. We will be reading some short stories to go along with it. In Social Studies, the students have been working very hard to create a country. I can’t wait to hear all about them. In Math, both the grade 5’s and 6’s will be starting a unit about decimals. Ms. Bishop Moisan and the grade 4,5,6 class
Grade 7
The first semester is well on its way to ending! The first half of our year has passed unbelievably quickly. We are currently working on fractions and operations with fractions in math. In ELA, we are beginning a unit that explores different forms of humour. Social class has us beginning to delve into the relationship between humans and the land, and in science, the class has just finished presenting their projects and will continue to work through their “Mixtures and Solutions” unit. Report cards are just around the corner. Please feel free to contact me at the school should you have any questions or concerns. In closing, thank you for your continued support and I look forward to the second half of the school year! These Grade 7s are an absolute pleasure to work with!
Grade 8
In Physical Education the students are finishing up Term 2 Fitness Testing and playing several games including some floor hockey. In Industrial Arts, the students are rushing to finish their woods projects. Most students are staining and getting ready to mount the mirrors into frames. In Career Ed the students have finished learning about Concussions and working on Goal Setting. In ELA the students have wrapped up their novel study of The Giver. All students showed wonderful insight and critical thinking skills for this unit! I am very proud of them! The students will be viewing Oliver Twist and exploring the relationship between environment and its influence on potential and the human condition. While in Math 8 the students have finished their unit on rates and proportions. The students have just begun their study of measurement, area, volume and capacity. In past years, students have built a strong foundation in these concepts and I am confident we will see fabulous success! In Science the students are studying Optics and vision, specifically reflection and curved mirrors. The students in Social are looking at the influence of American pop culture on Canada. In Home Ec. the students are busy hemming their pj pants. In Art the students have started a drama unit by doing some improvisation games and character building.
Grade 9
The Grade 9’s came back from Christmas break refreshed and ready to learn. They have continued to learn about Norse and Indigenous myths in English and are working on developing their own myths. The students have shown an interest in ancient civilizations in Social and are learning about the evidence that archaeologists have uncovered over time. In Home Economics they are working on a recycling assignment and those in I.A. are working hard to finish up their projects before the end of the semester. They are continuing to learn about electricity in Science and work on their bands in Art. The students have also been learning about polynomials in Math class and have been having fun with floor hockey in Phys. Ed.