Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

I can’t believe our year is already wrapping up! What a fantastic year the K/1 class has had! They have each grown so much in so many ways! I am excited for what is to come for each of them! We are finishing up the year with lots of creative writing and science experiments.

Both groups will complete their geometry unit in the next week and will undergo lots of year end assessments in reading, writing, and math. Our class party is this Friday. A note will go home about that on Wednesday. There will also be information going home about the last day of school. I hope everyone has a relaxing and fun summer! It’s been a pleasure to teach your children this year!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

The K/1s are leaving a busy month behind and are heading into another one! Please make sure to check your child’s calendar for upcoming events. In the past month, the Grade 1s have finished a math unit on Measurement and have started one on Numbers to 100. Right now we are working on counting to 50 in groups, instead of just by ones. The Ks have started a unit on Measurement and currently are working on ordering objects by size. The Ks completed a unit on Eric Carle and now we are really focusing in on their animal posters. The students have created their posters and we have organized the information they found in books and online. The 1s are creating some amazing final projects for their “Where in the World?” research. Each student chose how they wanted to present their information and I am impressed with the creativity I’m seeing! This Friday, our friend Trace is moving away. We will be having a class party for him. Mrs. Dietz and I will be providing the lunch. A note went home on Monday about this.

Over the next month, I want to spend as much time as we can outdoors playing and exploring nature and colour. I am hoping that we will also create some nature art. Enjoy the long weekend and the warm weather!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We’ve had an exciting month! The K/1 class took a trip to the Bohrson farm. The class got to milk a cow and feed a baby calf. We also made homemade ice cream! Thanks to the Bohrson family for hosting!

We have been creating a lot of art: stamp art, still-life, Easter crafts, and finger painting! Our classroom is looking beautiful!

The Grade 1s are just begin- ning their research projects on any place in the world. I am very excited to see the final results!

The Ks have been working on asking interesting questions and then figuring out how to find answers. Some questions we’ve discussed include, “How are markers made?”, “How do they make the sky?”, and “How are turtles made?” These questions have definitely lead to some interesting discussions!

In math the Ks have been working on quickly recognizing how many dots are on a card with numbers from 1 to 8. We are also starting to work with 5 and 10-frames to build numbers. The Grade 1s are finishing their unit on addition and subtraction to 18 and will be doing a unit on measurement next.

It was great to see the families at interviews!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

March has been an exciting month with all the changes in weather! Lots of snow and now lots of mud! Please remember to send your child’s splash pants and rubber boots to school each day. Also, some extra socks in their backpack would be in handy just in case! The K/1 leprechaun traps are amazing! A lot of creativity went into these. We had a great time building them with our 4/5 Care Partners! The Grade 1s have been writing some excellent stories during Writer’s Workshop. The theme is to write what you know about. It has been interesting to see what they’ve come up with! The Kindergartens have been enjoying Discovery time! We come up with exciting and interesting questions and use different research tools to find answers. Next, they will research an animal and create a display of their findings. In math the Grade 1s continue to work on adding and subtracting with numbers to 20 and the Kindergartens are working on how we use numbers to solve problems. I look forward to seeing everyone at interviews!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

The K/1 class has had a busy start to February. We kicked off the month with Jump Rope for Heart and had a blast! We celebrated the 100th day of school on Feb. 9th. We did lots of math, art and language activities that day. Thanks for sending your child’s 100 objects! Thank you to our parent volunteers who came on our field trip. We had a great day at the Forestry Farm and mini-golfing. Another thanks to everyone for sending their potluck lunch items for Valentine’s Day! A special thanks for those who came to make pancakes! Our class dog Licorice has gone missing and it’s been quite the mystery as to who he is. There have been lots of clues and we definitely have a list of suspects. Hopefully he will return soon! The students have put up posters around the school letting others know about our missing friend. They will also be sketching possible suspects! After the break we will be going skating during the afternoon of the Kindergarten days. Please see you calendars. Have a fantastic break!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Happy New Year! The K/1 class is back into the swing of things in 2012! The Kindergarten stu- dents are exploring number books in Reader’s Workshop and are learning how to write num- bers between 0 and 9. In Math, the K students are learning to understand that a number can be a symbol, a word and a picture. If you would like to do some extra work at home, practice counting forwards and back- wards from 0 to 20 and identifying numbers from 0 to 20. The Kindergarten Cafe, the lentil table and typing on the computer have been very popular during Play Time. Thank you to Chris and Adrienne Harder for donating the lentils! The Grade 1s are working on addition and subtraction up to 20. We have been practicing our doubles facts (i.e. 2 + 2, 5 + 5) and have been completing lots of addition and subtraction word problems. When reading word problems, students look for the information given and figure out what needs to be solved before trying to figure out the answer. We start- ed problem solving as an entire group and then in partners. Just last week, students started to do this process individually. Soon the Grade 1 students will begin a research project in Science. They will get to choose their own topic. More information will be sent home about this later. On February 13 the K/1 class will be going on a field trip to Saskatoon. We will be going to the Forestry Farm to explore the adaptations animals make during the winter time. I’ve heard that winter is the most exciting time to visit the Forestry Farm because the animals are very active in the cold! More information about this day will be sent home soon. Please note on your calendars that Jump Rope for Heart as been postponed until February 3. Also, the K/1 class will be having a Valentine’s Day potluck and we will need families to send food. A note will be sent home at the beginning of February. I hope this snow sticks around long enough for some snow forts and snowmen!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We are winding down to the holiday in the K/1 room! The Christmas concert was a great success! The kids were wonderful and it was great to see the families come out to the show. December has been a month of lots of arts and crafts, reading Christmas stories, writing letters to Santa and playing in our Christmas centres. After the break Kindergartens will continue exploring numbers to 20 in math. Please have your child practice counting forwards and backwards between 0 and 20. We have also been practicing writing our num- bers from 0 to 10. To chal- lenge your child at home, try having them recognize num- ber words from 0 to 10. The Grade 1s will continue with simple addition and subtraction to 12. Strategies we will be using include utilizing a number line, drawing a picture and counting on. In the last newsletter I said that there will be a field trip in January and that has now changed to mid-February. It will be on the next take-home calendar.

Merry Christmas and all the best in 2012!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We are heading into a busy month in the K/1 room as we begin to prepare for the holiday season and the Christmas concert! Please remember to send the items for our basket raffle. The students had an opportunity to spend time with Mr. Kirk, our Senior History teacher, and learn about Remembrance Day. They also took part in the annual Royal Canadian Legion poster contest. We are very focused on writing stories in ELA. The Kindergartens will begin to label the pictures they draw to better tell their stories. The Grade 1s have been using speech balloons with pictures and have been exploring the different parts of stories. The Grade 1s continue to work on their family projects with the Grade 7s. These will be wrapping up soon. I am so impressed with the family shields made by the Kindergartens! It is evident that a lot of work went into them. In Math the Kindergartens continue to explore patterns and the Grade 1s are working with numbers to 20. We are exploring how to divide a number into different groupings. This can be difficult, so a lot of time will be spent on this to really build a foundation for number operations. Thanks to all the families for coming in early for interviews! If you didn’t have the chance to come in that week, feel free to contact me at the school to set up a time.

Mrs. Koroll

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We are very excited for the medieval feast this week! Thanks to our families for providing the food. We have lots of things happening in the K/1 room this month. The Kindergartens have started their printing program and have begun Writer’s Workshop. This is where students are encouraged to tell a story from their life with pictures. In math the Kindergartens are finishing sorting and moving onto patterning. The Ks continue to

work on their letter sounds with Mrs. McGregor . The Grade 1s are working with the Grade 7s on their online family report. I was very pleased with the written reports that were handed in last week. I can tell a lot of work was put into them! In math the 1s are working with 10-frames to develop a sense of what is 10 and what numbers work together to make 10. This will lay a foundation for addition and subtraction. The Grade 1s

have created beautiful water- colour self-portraits in art class! On Monday, October 31st, we will have a day full of Halloween fun! I am happy to help your child put on their costume or feel free to come in and assist with getting every- one ready at lunch.

September 2011 Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Welcome back, everyone! The K/1 class has gotten off to a great start! A special welcome to our new Kindergarten class and Abigail in Grade 1! This month we will be working on establishing our classroom routines. Grade 1s start their day by doing Daily Language Reviews, phonics and printing. We will also be starting the R.E.E. (Read Every Evening) program in the next week or so. In Math the 1s are starting the year off with patterning and in Social Studies we are discussing different types of families. In Art we have begun to sketch self-portraits and will paint them with water colours. The Kindergarten focus for the first couple of months will be fine motor skills and routine. They start the day off by doing a cutting or pencil activity. In Math we will be sorting and making patterns. The theme this month is Royalty, so we are doing lots of activities with the stories we are reading about kings, queen, princesses, dragons, and brave knights! During play time the K-students have been exploring our different centres. Toys and cars, the sandbox and the art centre are very popular so far! I look forward to seeing everyone at Meet the Staff Night!