From the Office

Once again another full month of class and activities has managed to make another 30 days disappear in our school year. I continue to be impressed with all the teamwork, great interaction, humour, hard work, laughter, and creativity I see from your students and the staff that get to teach them. I hope each of you continues your ef- forts as it’s making Hanley School a great place to be.

Since our last newsletter, we were treated to a number of very creative creatures and scary spooks in our halls as Halloween festivities took place. Thanks again to Mr. Vedress and the Grade 6 students for the haunted house they created in their classroom for the school to take part in. Thanks as well to the SRC for holding the “best costume” competition and also for their monthly activities that support many worthwhile causes.

Continuing on with the talk of competitions, I wanted to highlight how proud Hanley School is of it’s fall athletics as well. Congratulations to our first Senior 7vs7 Soccer team for their first season, and their respectable performance at Regionals on October 21st. Congratulations as well to the Junior Girls’ Volleyball team for their great season and admirable job hosting Districts on October 29th. More congratulations to the Senior Football team’s season, including the close quarter semi-final game at Spiritwood. Lastly, con- gratulations to the Senior Girls’ Volleyball team on their season as well. It was a lot of fun to coach you this fall. December begins the basketball season and many students are looking forward to it.

The start of November brought with it our annual fall opportunity to invite parents to Tri-Conferences with the teaching staff. I want to encourage you to make time in Spring to attend the next opportunity to meet with your students and their teachers, to bring up the good things that are going on and to discuss any areas we can improve on together.

I would lastly like to highlight an impressive Remembrance Day Service led by Mr. Kirk and the Grade 11 students. Your school is proud of your efforts to design a respectful service that honours our Veterans and those who continue to fight for our country. Thank you.

Looking ahead, I see a Winter Band Concert on December 12th, as well as a school dance December 16th. I’m also looking forward to our Christmas Concert on December 14th and my stomach is reminding me about the Christmas Dinner on Dec 21st.

As always, drop in to see Mr. Anderson and me sometime. We’d love to say Hi. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Mr. Chris Tucker Principal

From the Office

I want to start this off by welcoming Mat Vedress to our staff. Mr. Vedress is taking over from Mr. Watson in the grade 6 room this year after Mr. Watson and his family moved home to Ontario for personal reasons. Thanks Mr. Watson for your work in September and to Mr. Elke who filled in for a week.

Hanley School hasn’t stopped being a busy place since last month. Our Saber Football team has been working hard and as I write this, they are at a 3 and 2 record and preparing to meet Caronport at our field this Thursday. My Senior Girls Volleyball team held their home tournament this past weekend where Miss Clark and I split the team and each coached seven of our girls. A great weekend of volleyball took place with lots of opportunity to play. Saskatoon Christian School walked away with first place but we’ll see them again in a couple weeks at Conferences. Good luck to the Junior Girls Volleyball team who have their own home tournament this weekend, and by the way, are hosting Junior Girls Volleyball Districts on October 29th. Come out and cheer on the team. Good Luck, Sabers!

It’s Education Week and the SRC and staff have prepared some fun activities and events around the building for the students ranging from paired reading with older students, to gym fun at noon, dress up days, as well as team recognitions. Talk to your students about it.

Fall Triconferences are scheduled for November 8th and 9th from 5:00-7:30pm. Those interviews are an excellent time to meet teachers and talk about how classes are going. I’d encourage students to be in attendance with their parents and be part of the discussion. This year in grade 6-12 a Report Card will be sent home along with a Behavioural Report, similar to what other schools in the province are completing. You should expect your student to bring the report card home in the first week in November so you can refer to it at Triconferences. The students will have a day with no school on Monday, November 14th.

I’d like to take the opportunity to thank parents and the community for the volunteered time at our school activities and sports events. We sure appreciate the support and help to make those student opportunities good ones.

Remember to drop in to the office to have a chat with Mr. Anderson and me when you have any questions or concerns. We and the staff at Hanley School would love to see you. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Mr. Chris Tucker Principal

From the Office

Mr. Anderson and I would like to wish everyone a big Welcome Back to Hanley School this fall. We’ve had a great start to the year with a lot happening around the school for students to get involved in. Welcome to our new teachers, Mr Josh Watson (Grade 6 Homeroom), Mrs Colleen Trach (Senior Spec Ed), Ms Rachel Anderson (Home Ec mornings), and welcome back to Ms Angela Rancourt (Grade 4/5 Homeroom). Hanley School also is pleased to include four interns on our staff this fall. Welcome to Miss Jamie Rugg working with Mrs Sara Prakash, Miss Jessalyn Clark working with Mr Brett Kirk, Mrs Jennifer Kinzel working with Mrs Nicole Bain, and Mr Todd Cavanaugh working with Mr Heath Tyndall. Each of them are having a busy but very good start this fall we’re very happy to have you here. We have a number of extra curricular programs in full swing already this year to make you aware of: Senior and Junior Girls Volleyball, 6- Man Football, Cross Country, Senior 7vs7 Soccer, and Senior Golf. Good luck to all the teams on your efforts this year.

The Welcome Back Breakfast last week was a good chance to meet some parents, and we’re happy to announce that the School Community Council is again organizing the Meet the Staff supper and evening tomorrow, September 22, starting at 5:30pm. I want to invite everyone out to enjoy a burger with us so we can get to know each other better. To start it off here’s some information about me: your new Hanley School principal grew up in a few places around the province, but went to junior and senior high school at Outlook. My wife, Kara, works in Saskatoon at Brickers Shoes, and our son, Gavin, will be two years old in October. I’ve been teaching for 17 years and have spent the last ten working vice principal and principal positions, the last four years in Colonsay. I know already that Hanley School is an awesome school for each of your children to be in and I’m proud to be here. I can say this because the people I work with are genuinely concerned about all the students and their success, and the students clearly enjoy their school atmosphere. So, drop in to see Mr Anderson and me sometime. We’d love to say Hi.

Takecare and I’ll talk to you soon.
Mr. Chris Tucker

June 2011 From the Office

All signs point to the school year quickly coming to a close. Graduation, Kindergarten Orientation, Grade 6 transition meetings, year-end field trips, projects and final exams have already occurred or are quickly about to. My how time flies when you’re having fun! This has been another wonderful year at Hanley Composite.

As is always the case at this time of the year, we must say farewell to a number of people. We are preparing to say goodbye to our graduates as they will soon be moving on to new opportunities. We thank them for their many contributions to Hanley School and wish them all the best with their future endeavors. We are also saying farewell to several staff members. Miss Alana Wilson, our grade 3/4 teacher, has been with us in Hanley for the past three years. She will continue with her graduate studies at the U of S in the Department of Educational Psychology while teaching part time at Warman Elementary. We wish her all the best with this change in her professional life. Mr. Cory Lewis has been teaching grade 5 and 6 here in Hanley for the past two years. Mr. Lewis will be moving to teach at Dalmeny High School. His humor and quick wit will certainly be missed.

I will also be leaving Hanley School at the end of the year. I will be moving to become the new principal at Prairie View School in Dalmeny. Being here at Hanley School for the past four years has been a pleasure. It has indeed been an honour working with all the students, staff and community here. I value my time spent getting to know and work with all the students, from Kindergarten to Grade 12. We hear time and time again from guests in our school, what great kids we have here. I agree wholeheartedly. Mr. Anderson and all the staff are second to none. It has been a joy coming to work each day with such dedicated, enthusiastic and caring professionals. Thank you to the community for your support and partnership. We all want the same thing; for our students and children to be successful and so much can be done while following our school motto, “Achieving Success Together”.

Hard to believe, but our last day of school is Tuesday, June 28th. Kindergarten to grade 9 students will be bringing their report cards home with them on this day. The last day of classes for Grades 10 12 students is Wednesday, June 22nd. The students will be writing their final exams from the 23rd to the 28th. Grade 10 12 students may then come to the school any time between 9:00 and 10:30 on the morning of Thursday, June 30th, to pick up their report cards. There will be NO BUSSES that day.

Take care and on behalf of Mr. Anderson , the entire school staff, and myself, we wish everyone an enjoyable and restful summer!!

May 2011 From the Office

The end of the year is approaching quickly and activities here at the school are at a fevered pitch! Please watch for the various field trip announcements and permission forms that continue to be sent home at this time of year. Even with all the extra-curricular activity, our primary focus is on academics and we want to stress the importance of our students ending the year on a strong and positive note.

Today our Grade 6 – 12 track team is competing at the Conference meet at Griffith’s Stadium in Saskatoon. We have about 90 students competing and we wish all our competitors good luck as it is sure to be a great day. The district meet is on Friday, May 27th and advancing athletes will then compete at the provincial meet on June 3rd and 4th in Regina. Congratulations to all our competitors and thanks to all staff who are involved coaching and supervising. For our younger students, we will again be hosting the Hanley/Dundurn Kindergarten to Grade 6 Play Day and Track Meet on Friday, June 3rd. We are hoping for great weather and invite the community to come out and cheer on these young athletes.

We have two other big events coming up in June that we are also excited about. First of all we have our annual Graduation ceremonies taking place on Friday, June 10th. The Grade 12’s, their parents and our staff are busy preparing for this wonderful occasion. Secondly, our Grade 1 – 6 students will again be joining Dundurn Elementary to participate in the triathlon on June 17th at Blackstrap Provincial Park. The students are training by taking swimming lessons and taking part in a triathlon clinic. We also hope that the community can join us in our “Dunk a Duck” fundraiser on June 1st. Look for more details in this newsletter.

On a final note, our Kindergarten to Grade 9 report cards will be sent home with the students on the last day of classes, Tuesday, June 28th. Grade 10 to 12 students may come to the school between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 30th to pick up their report

Have a great Spring season!
Mrs. Janice Key, Principal
Mr. Mark Anderson Vice-Principal

March 2011 From the Office

The days are getting longer and it sure is nice to finally see the sun! One sure sign of Spring is our Parent/Teacher interview nights which are on the evenings of March 22th and 23th. If you haven’t already  done  so, please call the school to arrange your interview time. We always look forward to the chance to meet parents in person and discuss student progress. If you are unable to attend interviews, we encourage you to contact your child’s teacher or teachers if you have any questions or concerns. You can always call the school or e-mail any of the staff. As well, important information is regularly updated on our school website.

Our Kindergarten to Grade 5 report cards  were  sent home last week on Wednesday,  March 9th. Grade 7 – 12 interim reports for core subjects (ELA, Math, Social Studies and the Sciences) will be mailed this week. We hope that this will be helpful information for students and parents alike. Formal report cards for Grade 7 – 12 students will be handed out on Thursday, April 7th.

This Friday our K – 12 students will be participating in a winter carnival. There will be multiple stations where the students will be participating in a variety of activities. We remind everyone to dress appropriately for the weather and come ready to have a great day!

It is an exciting time in our school as we are in the midst of a painting program. The entire elementary wing and central portion of our school is being painted. The painting started during the February break and will be completed by the beginning of the next school year. The painting of the middle years/high school wing will follow in the near future.
We hope everyone has a wonderful spring season!