Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

The sun is shining and we are happy to see the snow go! (Knock on wood).

The Ks have been busy with:

-Animated Literacy -Reader’s Workshop

-working with and recognizing numbers
-exploring and building basic shapes
-Quick Draw

The 1s are busy with:

-Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop
-We finished off our Oliver Jeffers author study with Mrs. Burgess by taking a rocket ship up to the moon!
-Story writing

-numbers from 0-100
-number sense
-skip counting (patterns in the 100 chart)

-The 4 Seasons

Together we are learning about:

-our families
-being kind

Phys. Ed:
-cooperative games
-tumbling and other gymnastic moves


-It is our in-school field trip on the afternoon of May 4th. Bricks 4 Kids (LEGO) are coming in to run some activities for us.

-Our sharing theme for the next 2 months is ‘Favourite Stuffy’. Each child has a designated day. Please check the April/May calendars that went home with your child before the break.

As always, pop in to see us any time!

The K/1s and Mrs. Martineau

From the Office

While I write this, there is more snow falling from the sky to add to what we have on the ground but some more temperate days ahead if I can believe the forecasts. I know many people are looking forward to that, as it feels like we have dealt with a lot of up and down temperatures this winter.

We’re at the end of February and well into the second semester and as normal, there is lots going on in the school and our various programs. Check out the classroom submissions that follow for what’s happening in each of the grades. Our Grade 12s are taking part in their second week of Work Experience this week. We intentionally set it here again so as not to break up the learning when they’re back in class this semester. Good luck at work, Grade 12, we hope you learn a lot about the career area you’re experiencing.

I’d like to give you a heads up on another couple items for your calendars as well. The grade 9-12 ski trip is scheduled for March 6 to Table Mountain. The Grade 7 and 8 ski trip is scheduled for March 11. It’s always a fun day for those students and we look forward to having all the students attend.

March 18th and 19th is scheduled to be our second Tri-Conferences days for parents and students to book time to meet with the teachers. Tri-Conferences will be from 5:00-7:30pm those evenings and I’d like to remind you it’s a great time to celebrate the accomplishments of your student and recognize them with their parent in the conversation as well. I’ll look forward to seeing many of you here in the school those evenings and I invite you to drop by the office if I don’t see you in the halls. Swimming lessons for grade K-6 students during the school day at CC Pool was a nice success I think. The lessons wrapped up this week and I’m sure Mrs. Prosofsky and I will talk about setting up more in the future if you’re interested. You can contact CC Pool for more information.

There haven’t been any decisions made lately for further work being scheduled in our school on the structural upgrades. When more happens I’ll fill you in.
I’m going to give a final plug for the SCC Community Calendars that are available at the office for ten dollars. There are still a few that families ordered and haven’t picked up – we’ll assume next year that you’re not interested in ordering one. I’d also like to send a large thank-you to our SCC for helping us pur- chase some comfortable seating upstairs in the elementary hallway for a new reading spot for students.

That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Mr. Tucker

Grade 12 News

The Grade 12’s are away this week for Work Experience and are excited to have another week immersed in the “real world”! Grad preparations are beginning to get underway and that is occupying much of their focus. In ELA, we have been working on self-reflective writing and studying literature from around the world. In Biology, the class has just written an exam on biochemistry, while in Physics, they are studying the laws of motion. Last, but certainly not least, in Calculus, they have been calculusing like crazy.

Grade 11 News

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful break. In Work Placement Math, we are graphing and in Pre-Calculus we are working on geometric and arithmetic sequences and series. In PAA, we are baking and deco- rating cakes. In IA, we are constructing saw horses. In Chemistry, we have examined the functions of the lab, including lab equipment and safety. We have just begun our Atoms and Elements Unit. In Visual Arts, we are examining the elements of sketching. In ELA/History, we are finishing the book Animal Farm.

Grade 10 News

The Grade Tens are happy to report they have made it through their first ever set of final exams with minimal psychological damage. They’ve put in a good solid two weeks of Semester 2 and are ready for a break! In Wellness, they’re on the verge of starting badminton. Wildlife Management is currently focused on Arctic (and Antarctic) habitats. In math, they’ve been studying surface area and volume of pyramids, cones and spheres. Their History and ELA classes are combined, and they’re currently working on studying worldview within sharing circles. In Commercial Cooking they’ve been planning their first meal – quesadillas, le tots du pomme de terre (tater tots), and juice. Possibly from apples. And finally, in IA, they’ve been finalizing their house layouts in preparation for CAD.

Grade 9 News

Lots of learning this month in grade 9. Our grade nine social studies class is in the midst of an inquiry study on Empire building. The art classes are working on a multimedia project by combining different art forms into one composition. The health section has been investigating the different dimensions of wellness and the pillars of healthy decision making. Mrs. Bain’s ELA class is beginning a study of the novel “Theories of Relativity”. Mr. Kirk’s ELA class is learning about human rights. In math, the students have started solving equations.

Grade 8 News

In Physical Education we are working on individual Bad- minton skills and rules, then some Badminton games while still including some floor hockey. In ELA we are wrap- ping up “Jean Val Jean”, and “Les Miserables”. In Math, Linear Equations have been the hot topics to date. Soon we will be graphing these equations. In Arts Ed. the students are learning about Canadian Art through the ages. In Grade 8 I.A., they are working on drafting Isometric projections. In Grade 8 Home Ec. they are working through flour mixtures using pancake and waffle recipes. In Social Studies, the students are exploring the Government of Canada and Canadian Citizenship. In Health class the students are working on Families and their Relationships. In Science, we are studying about Cells, Tissues, Organs and Body Systems.

Grade 7 News

Grade 7s have started the new semester with a bang! They have begun to explore “Types I-IV and Linear Equations” in math! We have been looking into the theme of “Mystery” in ELA, and will begin a novel study in the following week. In science, the class has been studying “Energy Webs”. Finally, in social, the kids are creating their own community! Sounds like quite the adventure!

On March 11, the Grades 7 and 8 classes will be heading out to Table Mountain for their ski day. It has always been a great day! Thank you to all of our volunteers and chaperones who have signed up! Just a reminder that all chaperones and volunteers do need a criminal record check on file. Please ensure your child’s permission form, waiver and fees are in as soon as possible. Finally, please remind your child to dress appropriately for the trip. It is always more fun when you are warm.

Grade 5 & 6 News

I hope everyone had restful February break. The grade 5/6 class is currently working on literature circles with the main focus on black history and slavery. In Science we are learning about flight, past and present. In Social Studies we are comparing Canada to other European countries. We are continuing to learn about the harmful effects of smoking in Health. We have just begun a unit about music in Art. The grade 6’s will be going on their first team building field trip with the Dundurn grade 6’s on Friday March 6.

Watch for the letter to come home.

Ms. Bishop Moisan and the grade 5/6 class

Grade 3 & 4 News

The 3/4s have been having a great week! We have had a blast skating! Thanks to the parents and grand- parents who have come to tie skates! Both groups are almost finished their cur- rent math unit. The immigration interviews were very well done! I hope each student gained an understanding of what it is like to leave the life you know behind and move to a new country. The students are finished learning about rocks, minerals, and erosion. The last couple of weeks focused on erosion and the effects it has on our landscape. I hope you enjoyed the pictures that were emailed to you. Soil will be our next unit of study.