2014/15 School Year Calendar
Dear Prairie Spirit Parents and Guardians:
On behalf of Prairie Spirit School Division, I am pleased to provide the 2014/15 school year calendar. We want to thank all those staff members, parents and students who provided feedback and helped shape the development of the new calendar.
Key things to note about the 2014/15 calendar:
1. The number of instructional days (185) and the length of the school day (5 hours and 9 minutes) will remain the same as in the past year.
2. Students will begin classes on September 2, 2014, and the last day for students will be June 26, 2015.
3. Feedback from Prairie Spirit staff, parents and students strongly indicated a preference for a two-week Christmas break, a week-long break in February (including Family Day) and a 10-day break in April (including Easter).
4. Schools will continue to provide parent/teacher/student conferencing in the fall and early spring. Two additional days off for time in lieu of conferencing will be determined at the local level and communicated to you through your school’s newsletter.
We believe the school calendar for 2014/15 reflects our priorities and provides a positive schedule for students, staff and families.
David Wipf
Learning Superintendent
Parent Letter School Year Calendar
2014-2015 School Year Calendar – parents