Exam Rules and Regulations
- Morning exams start at 9:00 a.m.; afternoon exams start at 1:00 p.m.
- Students cannot leave their seat for one hour after the start of the exam.
- Students writing departmental exams must stay for an hour and a half and may remain up to one half hour past normal stop time.
- No student can enter the exam room after 1 hour of the exam beginning unless previous arrangements have been made.
- NO cell phones or technological devices are allowed in the exam room UNLESS specified by the teacher.
- If you wish to leave the exam room for any reason, be prepared to have someone be with you.
- Any student missing a final exam will be given a 0 unless previous arrangements have been made.
- Although we encourage students to stay at school and study with the help of their teachers, all students who are not studying are expected to leave the school upon completion of their exam unless the school has been otherwise instructed by the parent/guardian.
- Hand in textbooks according to each subject teacher’s request.