Dear Parents & Guardians,
It’s that time of the year when staffing starts to be confirmed. Unfortunately, it’s a little later this year because of budget complications (transfers JUST closed yesterday) but I can currently share information on our teachers and the classes they will be teaching. We should know our EA numbers by next week.
Before I get into what our school will look like next year, I have a few announcements I need to make for this year! First of all, we are very happy to announce that Mrs. Robinson will now have a .5 permanent contract! For next year, that contract will be increased to a .7 on a temporary basis. We are very excited to have Mrs. Robinson permanently on our staff- Welcome!
My next announcement is bitter-sweet. We will be losing Mrs. Molnar as she has accepted a new position with the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation. Although we know we will feel Mrs. Molnar’s loss, we are very excited for all of the wonderful opportunities this new position will offer her! She will have the unique opportunity to work with Saskatchewan Teachers through professional development.
Due to staffing reductions, we have lost 1.3 FTE from our school which has been absorbed by: Mr. Karras & Ms. Gruending with less office time, reduction in Resource time (Mrs. Johnson will now be in Grade 5 full time) and splitting two age groupings. We will also likely have our EA time reduced, but we do not have that number yet.
A HUGE THANK YOU needs to go out to the staff of LAS who, once again, are willing to be flexible and work within our reductions, some picking up completely new grade levels or subjects (sometimes 7+ curriculum) and some taking on very large classes. I know our teachers will make each and every classroom an amazing place for the students of LAS next year.
Pre – K – Ms. Mason
K – Ms. Goran
1/2 – Mrs. Robinson (70%) and Ms. Goran (30%) – Likely 20 – 24 students based on current numbers
2/3 – Mrs. Addley – Likely 20 – 24 students based on current numbers
4 – Mrs. Walker
5 – Mrs. Johnson
6/7 – Ms. Bachmeier – Likely 27- 30 students based on current numbers
7/8 – Ms Stack – Likely 24 – 27 students based on current number
9 – 12 – Ms. Braun, Mr. Holmes, Mrs. Kucherhan, Mr. Walker, Ms. McHanson
Phys. Ed – Mr. Munday
Resource – Mrs. Plummer