Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please find attached the note about Student Led Conferences that will be held November 8th & 9th from 3:30 to 7pm. We are asking families to sign up for 15 minute SLC slots this year through the linked documents. Please include as many teachers on one conference as you would like by slotting in your child’s name for that time period (ie, you might have Mrs. Robinson, Ms. Decorby and Mr. Munday all in one conference). If you feel 15 minutes will not be enough time, please contact your homeroom teacher to make alternate arrangements. Please remember it is our goal to have 100% attendance at SLCs as this is a very valuable opportunity to students take ownership of their learning, to share in their celebrations and to practice important life skills around conducting a conversation.
We also invite you to come see the Asquith Sr. Girls and Sr. Boys Volleyball teams battle it out on November 8th at 4:30pm.
Middle Years/High School SLC Schedule