The Lord Asquith Sr. Girls have earned their way to play in Hoopla (Provincial Basketball) this weekend. They are one of 4 teams to participate in the 2A girls championship.
Their first game is on Friday @ 4:15 p.m. at St. Mary’s School in Prince Albert. Come and cheer the team on. If you are unable to make it all games are being streamed. Go to the SHSAA website, tap the HOOPLA Prince Albert 2018 icon and then click on St. Mary’s school to access their game. You can also follow along on twitter @LordAsquith #LASHoopla2018.
If they win they will play the gold medal game on Saturday@3:00 at Sask Polytechnic.
If they lose on Friday they will play for the bronze medal at St. Mary’s @11:00.
Cheer on your Sr. Girl Athletes!