Provincials in Regina last weekend was excellent. The weather was warm, the roads were dry, and the competition was excellent. CVAC had three teams taking part at the 2017 provincial championships: Asquith girls at the 1A level, VCA boys at the 2A level, and Clavet boys at the 3A level. In their semi-final, #2 ranked Asquith was matched up against #3 ranked Middle Lake. This promised to be a close game – and it was. At game’s end, Middle Lake had pulled a minor upset, defeating Asquith 67-61. Against Lake Lenore in the bronze medal game, Asquith was refocused, coming out with a 61-53 victory and capturing the bronze medal.
Amazing job at Provincials Girls! We are proud of you everyday- but especially proud that you were able to bring home a provincial Bronze to honour all your hard work and dedicated!
Thank you to Coach Quittenbaum and Coach Gordon for all their time and dedication this basketball season creating this opportunity for our girls!