February Dates to Remember
February dates to remember
February dates to remember
parent letter
Feel free to complete the Music Education Parent Survey linked below. Please make sure it is turned back into the school by January 21st. Thank you for your feedback! Music Education Survey – Parent – Jan 2016
55-36 & Provincial Bronze for @lordasquith Girls! Such an amazing game! You’ve made us proud #hoopla #pssdlearn http://ow.ly/i/a8vTz And thank you to the Qs for coaching these girls to this level of success!!
Please read the following letter and feel free to engage in important meaningful conversations around what this means for your child. If you have questions, please contact the school and we will do our best to answer those questions. https://budget.spiritsd.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Prairie-Spirit-budget-information.pdf
The staff and students at the school would like to send out a few HUGE THANK YOUS to some very fantastic people… To the Asquith General Store for donating treats for the Prairie Women on Snowmobiles coffee stop and for donating their popcorn maker and all the supplies for our One Book, One School, One Community… Read More THANK YOU!!
Next week is spirit week… Don’t forget to dress up!!
Come on out to the school to cheer on our home Bball teams during conferences! Sr. Boys today, Sr & Jr. Girls tomorrow and Jr. Boys Thursday. Come and join in the excitement!!
Welcome to two new teachers in our school- Ms. Groan in Pre-K and Mrs. Robinson in Grade 2. We are excited to have you on our LAS team!