School Safety


Lord Asquith School is an allergy aware school. To ensure the continued health and safety of all students, we ask that you carefully monitor your child’s food so that we do not have a medical emergency.


Please send to the school a thorough profile of any student who has a special medical situation that could be of concern. Special procedures for care or possible need of emergency medication are examples of vital information that is needed to provide for the care of our students. In case a student is involved in an accident while at school, the following procedure will be followed:
1. If medical treatment is warranted outside the school, an attempt will be made to contact the parents in order to determine which emergency centre the student should be taken to;
2. Necessary report forms and accident forms will be dealt with by the teacher in charge of the activity through the main office.

Medical Release – Permission to give medication during school hours

Gym Use

Lord Asquith School has one of the best gymnasiums in the province and it should be a source of pride to us. As such, it is our responsibility to respect it and use it properly. The following are a few general rules that apply to gymnasium use:
1. No food or drink is allowed in the gym.
2. To protect the hardwood floor, proper footwear must be worn at all times. Runners with non-marking soles are the only appropriate footwear for Physical Education activities. All students are required to bring proper gym footwear to school for use in the gym only. Shoes worn outside are not allowed in the gym. During other functions, people are encouraged to remove outside footwear before entering the gymnasium.

Alcohol & Drug Use

Our school policy states that students must be in condition to learn effectively and must avoid situations which create problems for themselves, for others, or for the school. The possession, use or trafficking of alcohol or drugs is illegal. Evidence that a student is, or has been, using alcohol or drugs during the school day or at school activities will not be tolerated. Students involved in situations which violate this policy will be subject to one or more of the following consequences:
a) parental involvement;
b) referral to rehabilitative agencies;
c) police involvement;
d) suspension and/or expulsion.


Policy on Harrassment and Assult

At Lord Asquith School, we care about the students we teach. Providing a safe and healthy environment is of the utmost importance. In situations where the actions of some students call into question your physical, mental, or emotional well-being and safety, action will be taken. This is termed harassment. Harassment by definition means to trouble or pursue relentlessly with things that annoy or torment. Such situations should be reported to a teacher or to the principal, where it will be handled as promptly and as confidentially as possible. The actions taken will be in accordance with Prairie Spirit School Division Policy. All serious complaints should be in writing and will be kept on file.

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