October Dates to Remember
October Dates to remember
October Dates to remember
You’re invited to our Back to School Pancake Breakfast on Tuesday, September 1st @ 8:15am. Come on out to the school to grab some delicious pancakes and let’s start the school year off right!
June Newsletter
If you would like to learn more about our course offerings, the Science or Math Pathways or other aspects of the high school end of the school please come out to our information night! Although it says grade 9 specifically, anyone is more than welcome to attend!
All grade 9s will need a signed parent permission form for to be able to leave the school after their final exam
May dates to remember
Today is Report Card Day and Wednesday, April 22nd and Thursday, April 23rd from 4-7pm are Student Led Conferences. All SLCs will be in teacher classrooms this term. If you are in HS you only need to visit one teacher, however, you can always visit more if you would like to. We are asking… Read More Report Cards & Student Led Conferences
April Newsletter