

Invitations to Edsby have been sent out. If you haven’t received an invitation, or you have any questions, please contact the office by email or by phone and we’ll send it to you.

Here are a few things to know about Edsby:

  • As a school, we will be using Edsby as our main form of communication to parents. This means we’ve posted our monthly newsletter, no school reminders, Parent-Teacher-Student Conference booking information and other important information in the “River of News”.
  • Attendance notifications now get sent through Edsby. If your child is not excused from school, parents will receive a notification through the Edsby app. You can also enter your child’s absence through the app, instead of calling or emailing the school.
  • Grades, report cards and other news from your child’s teacher will be sent through Edsby.
  • To stay up to date on all things Dundurn School, please download the app and turn on notifications. We don’t want parents to miss out on news and events happening at the school.