April 2011 Grade 7 News

The Grade 7s have completed their unit on Dust and are looking forward to a Skype visit from the author, Arthur Slade.  This Skype is tentatively set for the final week before Easter break.  In math, we are wrapping up our unit on “Solving Equations” and will soon be moving onto Geometry and Geometric Properties.  Your child will require a geometry set for this unit. In Health, students continue to look at the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.  Science has just wrapped up a unit on Ecosystems and Environmental Cycles.

The Grade 7 field trip has been booked for June 24.  We will be travelling to Blue Mountain Outdoor Adventure Park.  We will be taking part in challenge courses, zip lining, a high ropes course, and team building initiatives.  We will have room for two more adult chaperones.  Once I have sent the introductory letter home, please feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining us.

In closing, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at the school (544-2511) or via email.