After the Easter break the class is working toward Summer and the field trip season. Please be aware of permission forms coming home soon. The grade 5’s have been reading Hatchet and the Grade 6 class is currently reading Tunnels of Time. In Science the class is studying the Principles of Flight and making many paper airplanes along the way. In Social Studies the class is looking at the Ancient and modern Wonders of the World and Canada. Also, as the weather improves we will be looking to begin Track and Field as the students learn some of the events they will be able to compete in. Good luck to Kirsten and Jasmine who joined Track and Field this year and will travel on Wednesday, with the team to Griffiths Stadium to compete.
Looking forward, the Grade 6 class continues in their quest to find a travel ticket for their trip to Moose Jaw. The trip will coincide with the Tunnels of Time novel they are currently reading. The Grade 5 class will be looking to take a tour of Wanuskewin and find out how Saskatchewan’s original residents lived for thousands of years using their own style of technology based on the land and nature.