2012. What a year it’s been so far! We all expected that 2011 would go down as the greatest and best year of our lives, but only three weeks into this new year and that theory is out the window. Our classes have kept us busy for certain. Astronomy, Polynomials, Fitness tests, small engine repair, pyjama sewing, plasticine art, cultural studies… if we were Cub Scouts, our sashes would be full. We’ve also started an amazing book in ELA called The Sunflower, by Simon Wiesenthal. It’s a true story about a prisoner in a concentration camp who encounters a dying Nazi soldier. It’s a book that should be read by everyone.
If you good readers remember, in December the grade nine class conducted some fundraisers through which we hoped to raise some money for various World Vision projects. We were able to raise $500 and we hope that that money will help make a big difference for someone, somewhere. Thanks to all who chipped in.