We in Grade 4/5 are all look- ing forward to spring finally arriving, and hope that you are enjoying the weather as it slowly warms up. We defi- nitely are! The Grade 4/5 class have begun studying a few new topics this month. We are learning about the three levels of Canadian government in Social Studies. In ELA, we continue to practice our language skills and we are exploring poetry. We have also started our novel study of Coraline. In Science we are exploring the exciting world of SOUND! So far we have made homemade kazoos to learn about sound waves and learned about pitch using the strings of a violin, and there are many more exciting activities ahead! We are also learning about eating well in Health. The Grade 4s are doing very well on their Fractions & Decimals unit so far. I continue to be blown away by the great ideas and unending creativity of these students! Finally, we would like to CONGRATULATION Mrs. Pozniak, on the safe and happy arrival of her baby boy, Kade! We can’t wait to see more pictures.