Looks like we spoke too soon about winter! I’m sure we’ll be paying later for this warm weather we’ve been having but we’ll still take it for now. The grade 11s have had a busy November. The first couple of weeks were consumed with preparation for our Remembrance Day service, which all culminated on the 10th. The grade 11s pulled off an amazing, emotional, and well-organized ceremony. It was commended by students, staff, and veterans alike. They should be proud of the work they did. To celebrate their hard work and success, we will be having a movie party on the afternoon of the 18th . Now that the Remembrance Day service is over, the History/English 20 classes will be transitioning out of World War One, and into the interwar period, including the Russian Revolution. The Physical Science 20 class will be finishing up their unit on Reflection and Refraction and moving on to the unit on Chemistry. Environmental Science 20 will continue working on their unit on Aquatic Ecosystems, and will soon be shifting towards a unit on Terrestrial Ecosystems. The Physical Education 20 class has finished their section on volleyball, and will now be starting basketball, in conjunction with the start of the basketball season. Robotics 20 is continuing to work on their year-long robot project. They now have their robots driving around and making beeping noises at each other. In Psychology 20, the students are learning and writing essays about topics such as emotions and motivation. The Foundations 20 class has been hard at work graphing bell curves. The Health Science 20 class is continuing their journey through the body, with the most recent stop being the endocrine system.