The 1&3 class have had an amazing November! We have been working on making different types of connections to the stories that we read. The students have learned that they can make connections to their own life, to other books and to events that have happened in the world. The grade 1s continue to work in their writing books everyday and are beginning to write extended stories on the books that we read as a class. The grade 3s are working on identifying the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where and why) and are creating their own newspaper article. In math the grade 3s are about to finish their unit on numbers to 1000 where they are learning to count money and estimate. The grade 1s are still on their unit of numbers to 20. In social studies the grade 3s have started their country project and they are discovering that people live differently all around the world. The grade 1’s have completed their ‘Me on a Map’ project where they identified which planet, continent, country, province and town they live in. The grade 1s are about to start learning aboutĀ mapping and are going to get a chance to create a map of our classroom. In science the grade 1s are learning about the five senses with Miss Buchinski. In art the students have been working hard. We created dot art with bats and ghosts and we made witch legs with watercolours for Halloween. We have started our unit in music. We are learning about soft and loud sounds, pitch, rhythm, and First Nation’s traditions in music and dance. The students are looking forward to our field trip to the Western Development Museum!