In this season of love and Valentines, we thought it would be fitting if we told you, the dear readers, about some of the things we love. We love school and learning. We love it when Mr. Tyndall starts a new unit in Science class, especially a unit on electricity. We love doing water color painting and geometric toothpick structures in Art class. We loved the Polynomials unit in math and we are very sorry to see it go. We love healthy minds and healthy bodies, so of course we love Health class.
We love reading new books, stretching our minds and asking ourselves big big questions. We just finished reading The Sunflower by Simon Weisenthal. It is a very powerful and important book that everyone should read. We used our Social Studies class to further explore some of the lessons learned of more current world events such as in Bosnia and Rwanda.
We love listening to our new record player while we work. We love the classics. Always have, always will.
Thanks for reading.