Grade 11

It is a busy time of year and we continue to work hard and prepare for the end of our grade 11 year. ELA/ History 20: We are investigating the Cold War. PAA 20: We are exploring cultural food from around the world. Construction 20: We are building a variety of sheds. Work Placement 20: We are evaluating simple and compound principle and relating to credit card use. Pre-Calculus 20: We are simplifying/ radicals. Solving radical equations Health Science 20: We are investigating the skeletal system, sports injuries and Xrays Physical Science 20: We have just begun the chemistry portion of this class. We are well into ionic and covalent formula writing. Forensics 20: We are just finishing criminal profiling. Good luck to all the Track and Field Athletes!

Grade 11

It has been a busy couple of weeks getting into semester two classes, but we know a break is right around the corner. Currently, we are doing the following things in our classes thus far: Work Placement 20: We are graphing and learning to calculate slope. Pre-Calculus 20: We are working on geometric and arithmetic sequences and series. PAA 20: We are practicing our sewing skills. Mittens will be our first project. Construction 20: We are examining the theory of building construction, as well as designing our own individual custom builds for sheds and small buildings. Physical Science 20: We are looking at the mathematical skills behind physics, such as significant figures and scientific notation. We are also beginning the study of waves. Health Science 20: We are exploring the philosophies and ethics within the medical system. This includes indigenous and alternative ways of healing. Forensics 20: We have just finished finger print analysis. We are now constructing our own crime scene. ELA/History20: We have the choice of reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak or Night by Elie Wiesel to examine WWII themes. Have a Safe and Wonderful Winter Break!

Grade 11

Looks like we spoke too soon about winter! I’m sure we’ll be paying later for this warm weather we’ve been having but we’ll still take it for now. The grade 11s have had a busy November. The first couple of weeks were consumed with preparation for our Remembrance Day service, which all culminated on the 10th. The grade 11s pulled off an amazing, emotional, and well-organized ceremony. It was commended by students, staff, and veterans alike. They should be proud of the work they did. To celebrate their hard work and success, we will be having a movie party on the afternoon of the 18th . Now that the Remembrance Day service is over, the History/English 20 classes will be transitioning out of World War One, and into the interwar period, including the Russian Revolution. The Physical Science 20 class will be finishing up their unit on Reflection and Refraction and moving on to the unit on Chemistry. Environmental Science 20 will continue working on their unit on Aquatic Ecosystems, and will soon be shifting towards a unit on Terrestrial Ecosystems. The Physical Education 20 class has finished their section on volleyball, and will now be starting basketball, in conjunction with the start of the basketball season. Robotics 20 is continuing to work on their year-long robot project. They now have their robots driving around and making beeping noises at each other. In Psychology 20, the students are learning and writing essays about topics such as emotions and motivation. The Foundations 20 class has been hard at work graphing bell curves. The Health Science 20 class is continuing their journey through the body, with the most recent stop being the endocrine system.

Grade 11

Wow, it looks like winter is upon us…way to early! Currently in our classes:  English/History 20: currently studying trench warfare during the First World War. Remembrance Day programming will be next on the agenda. Physical Science 20: Waves Unit Exam this week and then starting reflection and refraction. Health Science 20: learning about different body systems with our first focus being on the skeletal, muscular, and integumentary systems. Environmental Science 20: we are studying aquatic systems and the pollutants that affect it. Foundations 20: proving and applying sine and cosine laws for obtuse triangles. Phys. Ed. 20: learning the fundamentals of basketball. Psychology 20: examining biological influences on psychology. Robotics 20: working on making reaction time testers with their robots.

Grade 11

To update our classes: In History/ELA, we are studying WWII. In Work Place Math 20, we are studying trigonometry applications. In Pre-Calculus 20, we are examining quadratic functions and radicals. In PAA 20, we researching and cooking foods around the world. In Construction 20, we are building sheds. In Environmental Science 20, we are “Getting the Dirt on Dirt”. In Robotics 20, we are building robots. Welcome to a beautiful spring!

Grade 11

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful break. In Work Placement 20, we are graphing and learning to calculate slope. In the Pre-Calculus 20 class, we are working on geometric and arithmetic sequences and series. In PAA 20, we are creating meals from around the world. In Construction 20, we are constructing saw horses. In Environmental Science 20, we are creating a visual representation of our feelings, thoughts, beliefs, etc. towards the environment. Not an easy task, but an interesting one. In Psychology 30, we are exploring the needs of early childhood development and exploring an independent topic to research. In ELA/History, we are reading The Book Thief.

Grade 11

Wow! Hard to believe semester 1 is almost over and we are writing final exams next week. It will be a challenging week of studying and completing final projects. Final exams include Physical Science 20, Foundations 20, and a mid term exam for ELA/ History 20. A final independent project needs to be completed for Health Science 20. Next semester, classes are as follows: a continuation of ELA/ History 20, a choice of Psychology 30 or Robotics 30, a choice of PreCalculus 20 or Workplace 20, a choice of Construction 20 or PAA 20 and Environmental Science 20. Good luck on exams!

Grade 11

In Phys Ed 20, we went on a field trip to rock climb and play billiards. In English/ History, we are reading Animal Farm and comparing it to the Russian Revolution. In Physical Science 20, we are looking at different chemical reactions and gearing up for stoichiometry. In Health Science 20, we are analyzing our ideal fast food meal and the nutritional value (or lack thereof) behind it. In Math Foundations, we are learning the quadratic formula. The Grade 11 Class would like to wish everyone a VERY, MERRY CHRISTMAS and to keep safe and warm during the holidays. See you in 2016!

Grade 11

It is hard to believe we are mid-way into November. We hosted a very successful Remembrance Day Service in the Gym, which ended in some excitement. Along with that, we are finishing our WWI research projects in our ELA/History 20 class. In Foundations 20, we are working on statistics and probability. In Health Science 20, we have been studying the body systems. Thank-you to Charlotte Greenall, who came into our class and did a presentation on the horrible reality of street drugs and how they affect our body. In Physical Science 20, we have just finished our Refraction Exam and have started our chemistry unit. Basketball, dance and working out in the weight room is on the agenda for Phys. Ed 20.

Grade 11

Welcome Back!!! Classes are in full swing. In Foundations 20, we are working on angles and parallel lines. In the new Physical Science 20, we are examining the math components of science such as, scientific notation, significant figures and metric conversion. In Health Science 20, we are studying different health philosophies around the world and the medical ethics behind them. In ELA/History 20, we are studying how the First World War started. Phys. Ed is fun and games!