Grade 11 News

To update our classes: In History/ELA, we are just begin- ning The Book Thief. In Work Place Math, we are studying trigonometry applications. In Pre-Calculus, we are examining quadratic functions. In PAA, we are knitting. In IA, we are building sheds. In Chemistry, we are writing our Molecules and Compounds test early next week. In Visual Arts, we are sketching and examining surrealism and abstract art.


Grade 11 News

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful break. In Work Placement Math, we are graphing and in Pre-Calculus we are working on geometric and arithmetic sequences and series. In PAA, we are baking and deco- rating cakes. In IA, we are constructing saw horses. In Chemistry, we have examined the functions of the lab, including lab equipment and safety. We have just begun our Atoms and Elements Unit. In Visual Arts, we are examining the elements of sketching. In ELA/History, we are finishing the book Animal Farm.

Grade 11 News

The grade 11 class has been involved with many things in the school over the past month, both academically and non-academically. We had the honour this year of organizing the annual Remembrance Day service. The service went very well, despite some technical difficulties with the microphone. Everyone really respected the service and the hard work that went into organizing it. Our academic year is also going well. For most of us, our plate is full! We are learning everything under the sun, such as z-score and the probability curve in Math, how the body works in Health Science, how the mind works in psychology, as well as getting our 60 minutes of daily physical activity in Wellness, manip- ulating waves in Physics, creating our own robots in Robotics, and trying to wrap our head around World War One in English/History. As you can see, the grade 11 class is nicely settled into the swing of things and ready to learn.


Grade 11 News

The year is off in full swing and we are busier than ever. In English/History we are studying WWI and working on our independent projects. In Physics, we have just begun the Waves Unit, and studying the properties of waves. In Health Science, are learning about different body systems with our focus being on the skeletal and muscular system. Mr. Anderson came in and discussed sports injuries with us, as well as showed us a video of his knee surgery. In PE 20 we are spending as much time participating in outdoor games as possible prior to the snow – slo-pitch, kickball, soccer/ Frisbee Golf, Ultimate Frisbee, football, etc. Lastly in Robotics 20, we are making figure eights with our robots and examining the question “Who Am I” in Psych 20.

Grade 11 News

It is a busy time of year as we continue to work hard and pre-pare for the end of our grade 11 year. In Chemistry, we are fin-ishing our chemical reactions unit. In Visual Arts, we are cre-ating a photography collage on a topic of our choice. In ELA and History, we are reading The Book Thief. In PAA, we are sewing our independent projects. In IA, we are building a small cottage and variety of sheds. In Work Placement, we are working on financial math and budgeting. In Pre-Calculus, we are simplifying radical expressions. Good luck to all the athletes going to the Track and Field Meet.

Grade 11 News

It has been a busy month, we have had a ski trip, hockey tournaments, and a MADD presentation all in the span of a week. It is hard to believe that we fit any schooling in… but indeed we do….In Pre- Calculus, we are work- ing on trigonometry. In History/ELA, we are learning about the Great Depression. In PAA, we are cake dec- orating. In IA, we are building sheds. In Visual Arts, we are constructing movie posters. In Chemistry, we are doing a research project on the different families of the periodic table.

Grade 11 News

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful break. In Work Placement Math, we are calculating slopes of Olympic jumps and in Pre-Calculus we are working on geometric sequences. In PAA, we are baking and dec- orating cakes. In IA, we are constructing saw horses. In Chemistry, We have exam- ined the functions of the lab, including lab equipment and safety. We have just begun our Atoms and Elements Unit. In Visual Arts, we are working on interpretations of cultural art. In ELA/History, we are examining post war culture.

Grade 11 News

It is a very busy time of year, as we finish up our classes and prepare for our first set of final exams. In Math, we are working on our last chapter which is on Quadratic Equations. In Robotics, we are working on our slalom course. In Physics, we are working on a Heat Unit which we are calculating linear expansion and the quantity of heat. In Health Science, we are working on our Independent Final Projects. In Phys. Ed., we just finished fitness testing. In ELA, we are finishing World War I.

Good Luck on Final Exams Everyone!

Grade 11 News

Well, the year is already flying by with volleyball and football wrapped up for the season! In English, we have been busy working on the history of First Nations people in Canada, and how Canada came to be. Chemistry has been a busy class filled with many different concepts, such as thermodynamics, equilibrium, and reaction

rates. In Pre-Calculus, we have been working on understanding trig identities, and the Workplace 30 class has been learning about geometry. The IA class has been working very hard on perfecting their individual projects; they all look amazing! The Home Economics class has been spending their

time working on knitting, crocheting, and sewing for their individual projects; they are coming together quite nicely. The first round of Work Ed is coming up soon; we wish all the grade 12’s a great experience with possible careers in their future. Good luck!

Grade 11 News

The year is off in full swing and we are busier than ever. In English/History we are studying the start of WWI. In Physics, we are have just begun the Waves Unit, and studying the properties of waves. In Health Science, are learning about different body systems with our focus being on the skeletal and muscular system. In Phys. Ed., we are going outside to play games, as long as the weather holds. The grade 11’s are also working on personal fitness in the weight room and using online activities. Finally, the class is just finishing their first volunteer assignment and is looking for volunteer opportunities so that they can provide 5 hours of service each to the community during this term. Lastly in robotics we are building and testing circuits.