Grade 5 & 6 News

What a beautiful start to a new school year. In the grade 5/6 room we are diving into a lot of things. In ELA we are learning about Messag- es. In Social Studies we have been studying maps about Canada and around the world. We are observing several living things in Science. Healthy lifestyles is the focus in Health. We are staying active in Phys. Ed. with a variety of games and activities. When we can get out and observe the world around us, we will take the opportunity to do a bit of learning outside the classroom.

Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 5/6 class.

Grade 6 News

The grade 6 class is very ex- cited for summer and looking forward to a wonderful holiday. We had a wonderful trip to Moose Jaw with the grade 6 class from Dundurn. It was fantastic! We have been training for the upcoming triathlon. We have been wrapping up several units in Math, Social, Science, ELA, Health and Art. We are just finishing up the Tunnels of Time book. We have scheduled our year end party for Tuesday June 25. It will be a lot of fun! Have a great summer!

Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 6 class

Grade 6 News

Spring has finally sprung. We have been doing a little badminton in phys. ed. and will be learning track and field events in the upcoming weeks. We are finishing a novel called The Slave Dancer in ELA and are reading The Tunnels of Time. We are going to be finished our unit on fractions, percent, rate and ratio soon and beginning a new unit. The students have been doing several experiments in Science and are learning about electricity. In Social Studies we are learning about who is in positions of power and authority around us and in distant countries. We are preparing for our field trip to Moose Jaw. We are also getting things underway for the Triallathon in June.

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather.

Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 6 class.

Grade 6 News

The Grade 6 class is still patiently awaiting nice weather. We have wrapped up several units and are starting new ones. In ELA we are reading a novel, The Slave Dancer. We are learning about fractions, decimals and percent in Math. In Social Studies, we have begun a new unit about Power and Authority. In Science we are going to be starting Electricity. Thanks to everyone who contributed to out potluck from around the world. It was fantastic!! We will be starting some fundraising right away to assist in our trip to Moose Jaw to see the tunnels on June 4.

Grade 6 News

The grade 6 class is very much looking forward to an early spring, lets hope we get one! We are just wrapping up a couple of units in Math and ELA. In Social Studies we are starting some research projects about specific countries from around the world. We are doing several activities in Science to learn about flight. After the February break we will be looking at some dates to begin fundraising for our trip to Moose Jaw. Have a great break!

Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 6 class

Grade 6 News

The grade 6 class is teaming up with the grade 6’s from Dundurn to attend a field trip in Saskatoon on Friday January 25. We are all very excited about it. We are learning a lot about some Canadian and world history through independent novel studies. In math we are learning about geometry. In Science we are studying flight and in Social Studies we are looking around the world and in Canada with map skills and how our environment influences our lives.

Grade 6 News

As we head off for winter holidays, the grade six class has wrapped up a few units and will be starting new ones. In Math we are working on a Geometry unit. We will be studying about Dynamic Relationships in Social Studies and in Science we will be learning about Flight. We continue to look and study the many arts and have been focusing on Careers. In ELA we will be starting a new unit right after the break. We are planning on a field trip with the  Dundurn grade 6’s sometime in January or February. I will keep you posted as plans progress.

Have a great holiday!
Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 6 class

Grade 6

As the snowy season gets under way the grade 6’s are learning about some of the history of Japan and a young girl named Sadako in ELA. We continue to work on spelling and grammar as well. In Math we are currently learning about patterns and equations. We are almost finished our solar system unit, it has been great

and the students worked very hard to create the solar system in the classroom. In Social Studies, we are still looking around the world and seeing how others live and compare it to how we live. We have also been looking at some of Canada’s history. In health we are finishing up our identity unit by looking at our family history and how parts of our past have contributed to our identity. We will be learning about basketball and continue to play games in Phys. Ed. In Art we have been working with water colours and painting. I hope to see many of you at the Christmas Family Fun Festival on December 12.

Grade 6

What a beautiful fall! The grade 6 class is finishing up a unit in ELA about folk tales, fairy tales and fables and will be starting a new unit about Peace. In Math we are finish- ing up Whole numbers and will be working on patterns. In Science, the class is putting together presentations about the planets and working on creating the solar system in our room. Arts Ed has everyone working on a variety of pieces using different mediums. In Social Studies we are studying the differences between the people of West and Central Africa and Saskatchewan. In Phys Ed we continue to work on skill development and a variety of games.

Grade 6 News

It has been a great start to the school year in the grade 6 room. In ELA our beginning plans are grammar, writing skills, spelling, sentence structure and reading the Thief Lord as a class. In math we are working on a unit about whole numbers. In Social Studies we are looking around the world as well as close to home studying the interactions and interdependence of nations. In Science we are looking beyond into our Solar System. During Phys. Ed. class, we are working on skill development in soccer, football, volleyball and group games. We are being very creative with drawing and using a variety of mediums in art. We are excited and looking forward to a great year!