Grade 8 News

With the new semester, the Grade 8s have swapped some teachers for the second half of the year. We’re reading and creating short stories in English and finished a writing assessment a few weeks ago. Dividing and multiplying fractions as well as work on perimeter and area are the topics in Math. In Social Studies the topics are information about Canada as well as learning about Dictators. The water cycle and a unit on cells including tissues and organs is the information we’re soaking up in Science. And in PE we’ve been hacking away with some floor hockey and some mat or dodgeball. Lastly, drafting and cooking desserts in PAA and scratch art in Arts Ed finish off our list of work. Thanks to the students from Grade 8 who helped with our newsletter item.

Grade 7 News

Wow! The weather has us all trying to bundle up and stay warm! In our cozy classroom we have been exploring “Measurement” in math, the Dust Bowl in ELA, and in social we are reviewing some elements of feudalism before moving on to other government structures. On Feb. 14, the Grade 7s and Kindergartens will take a moment to share a potluck lunch. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this lunch! Your generosity and kindness is greatly appreciated. Currently, all the students in Hanley school are taking part in fundraising for Telemiracle. Once again, the kindness and generosity of our students is overwhelming. In closing, should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at the school (306- 544-2511).

Grade 5 & 6 News

The grade 5/6 class has been very busy doing labs about matter and labs about flight. We have really enjoyed making ob- jects fly as well as making and eating ice cream. We will be finishing up these units after the break. We will start learning about electricity in Science. In Math the grade 6’s will be starting a unit on decimals, fractions and percent. In Art we will be starting a unit about music. We will be finishing up our unit about power and authority in Social Studies and starting a new unit about dynamic relationships.

Grade 3 & 4 News

The 3/4s have been busy these last few weeks! We enjoyed our week of skating. Thanks to all those who came to tie skates and contributed treats! Also a huge thanks to Gordon McGregor and Har- old Dyck for driving us to and from the rink on those cold days! In math the 3s are finishing up their unit on addition and subtraction. They will have a test after the break. Their next unit is fractions. In math  the 4s are finishing up measurement and are also mov- ing onto fractions. Both grades will be getting usernames and passwords for This is an excellent website to practice basic facts. By logging in, Mr. Woods-Fehr and I can monitor their progress. Both groups need to improve on knowing their basic facts. In Social Studies we are discussing the differences between rural and urban communities. We have be- come pen pals with a class from Fairhaven School in Saskatoon. The Hanley students are describing life in a small farming town, while learning about life in the city from the perspective of someone their age. In Science we are in the midst of learning about forces that repel and attract. We will be discussing electricity and gravity over the next few weeks.

Grade 1 & 2 News

Well another month has passed us by and the Grade 1/2 class has been very busy!! Here is a look at some of what this month has brought us!

  • Coooooold weather
  • Indoor recesses (with many paper airplanes!)
  • More animal research 100 Day fun
  • Groundhogs day
  • Heart art
  • Olympics Homemade ice cream with our buddies (YUM!)
  • Reading Writing Skating
  • And Valentine’s Day!

As I already mentioned, it was a busy month but we also had a lot of fun. We are all looking forward to a week off and hopefully some warmer temperatures! Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

Kindergarten News

Despite all of these indoor recesses, we’ve been having a great time in Kindergarten! In Math we continue to work on counting from 0-10 and back from 10-0. We’ve also been practicing writing those numerals. It’s been a bit of a challenge and we would benefit from more practice at home! We love working with Mrs. McGregor on our letters and their sounds in Animated Literacy. Reader’s Workshop has us busy making connections to our reading and learning how to treat our books and our classroom library. Phys. Ed. keeps us motoring around in the gym practicing our passing skills. We like try new ways of passing things to our classmates: rolling, bouncing, throwing, kicking, etc. We loved having so many families come in to visit and share with us. We are currently working on a project where we discuss the cultures and traditions within our classroom and community. We love learning about one another! Our Grade 7 buddies are awesome! We recently made placemats with them for our Valentine’s Day Potluck. We love to do different projects and read with them!

Stop by any time to see how we’re doing–but just a warning: you’re going to want to stay!

Grade 12 News

We are just hitting the end of semester one, and we could not be more excited! One more semester to go and we will see the end of our high school career! In English/History class, we are finishing up our course. We are reading a lot about the history of Batoche and the Metis, the Dirty 30’s, and anything else Mr. Kirk thinks is necessary to stuff into our brains. Ha ha. In Chemistry, we just finished up on our Acids
and Bases unit. Right before finals we are going to try to start another unit, just to make us students feel a little bit more stressed out. In Pre-Calculus 30, we have been trying to wrap up all our unit tests and get them corrected so we can start studying. We just finished chapter 8 and will be kind of working on chapter 9. In Home Ec, we have been learning a lot about our meats: beef, pork, poultry and fish. So far we have made meals out of a beef recipe and are still working on our other meat meals. We also have a test coming up on this unit so we should be meat professionals by Friday! And finally, in I.A the students have been finishing up their awesome wood projects.

Grade 11 News

It is a very busy time of year, as we finish up our classes and prepare for our first set of final exams. In Math, we are working on our last chapter which is on Quadratic Equations. In Robotics, we are working on our slalom course. In Physics, we are working on a Heat Unit which we are calculating linear expansion and the quantity of heat. In Health Science, we are working on our Independent Final Projects. In Phys. Ed., we just finished fitness testing. In ELA, we are finishing World War I.

Good Luck on Final Exams Everyone!

Grade 10 News

Final exams are almost here! For the grade 10’s this is their first set of exams of many to come. I almost feel bad for them – almost. In Math, they’ve just finished up a unit on Geometry and are now studying furiously for their final. In ELA, students have been reading poetry and reading for understanding. In Wildlife Management, they’ve finished aquatic systems and have been watching some animal documentaries. In Wellness, they’ve been fitness testing, which goes well with the unit on Motion in Science. The IA students are carefully putting the finishing touches on their projects and in Commercial
Cooking, they’re prepping for their last meal. How appropriate right before finals! Good luck! (Thanks to Steffen for his help!)

Grade 9 News

The New Year is upon us and we can hardly imagine a more exciting start. Frigid temperatures, wind storms and icy roads all make our daily commute to school an adventure. When we get here though, it’s always worth it. Where else can a kid learn about polynomials, human reproduction and child soldiers all in one day? The Human Development Index (HDI) is the standard by which countries are considered developed or developing. We’re learning about this in Social Studies and we’re also learning that Canada is a pretty terrific place to live. It’s not perfect, but by golly, it’s
the best out there. In Careers/Health we’ve started playing the stock market. Wild fun. One hundred thousand dollars (pretend money) is what we start with and we’ll see where it goes. If you have any hot stock tips, please pass them on.