The K/1 class has had a busy start to February. We kicked off the month with Jump Rope for Heart and had a blast! We celebrated the 100th day of school on Feb. 9th. We did lots of math, art and language activities that day. Thanks for sending your child’s 100 objects! Thank you to our parent volunteers who came on our field trip. We had a great day at the Forestry Farm and mini-golfing. Another thanks to everyone for sending their potluck lunch items for Valentine’s Day! A special thanks for those who came to make pancakes! Our class dog Licorice has gone missing and it’s been quite the mystery as to who he is. There have been lots of clues and we definitely have a list of suspects. Hopefully he will return soon! The students have put up posters around the school letting others know about our missing friend. They will also be sketching possible suspects! After the break we will be going skating during the afternoon of the Kindergarten days. Please see you calendars. Have a fantastic break!
Category Archives: Newsletter
Grade 11 News
We are busy into the semester. In math, we just wrote an exam on the properties of angles and triangles. In History, we are researching personal projects. In PAA, we are learning about international foods. In IA, we are looking at the theory of building houses. We also, have just started building saw horses. In Chemistry, we are examining the functions of the Lab, including scientific method, lab equipment and safety in the lab. In Visual Arts, we are exploring world cultural art. Have a great Feb break!
Math Night
The Hanley School Community Council will be hosting a “Math Night” for parents from the communities of Hanley and Dundurn on Tuesday, January 31st at 6:30 p.m.
Trish Reeves from Prairie Spirit School Division with be giving a 60-90 minute presentation discussing constructivist math— the basis of the Math Makes Sense program. This presentation will be most beneficial for parents of elementary students. We look forward to seeing you at this informative evening.
Newsletters Sent by Email
After sending out last month’s Newsletter by email, we have decided to continue to do this every month. It really does save several trees. However, we are still missing a few families’ email address.
Please make sure and send this information to the school if you have not already done so. If your information changes, please let us know. We do have paper copies of the Newsletter at the office for anyone that would like to pick one up.
Grade 12 News
First semester is slowly coming to an end which means finals are slowly creeping up on us. In English and History, we are learning bout the history of our great prairie provinces and the hard times they went through. We are finishing up our last unit on “The need for proof” and new getting ready for our big final exam in Math. In Chemistry we are lighting things up by learning about Electrochemistry, which is harder than you think. In Home Ec. We are getting ready to live on our own by learning how to cook inexpensive meals and live on a budget. The Life Trans. students just returned from a field trip to the Food bank, where they learned about the benefits of volunteering. In I.A. they are working hard to finish their projects.
Grade 11 News
It is a very busy time of year, as we finish up in our class and prepare for our first set of final exams. In Math, we are working on our last chapter which is Linear and Quadratic Inequalities. In Physics, we are working on a Heat Unit where we are calculating linear expansion and the quantity of heat. In Biology, we are just finishing our Animala Unit where we are dissecting crayfish and Lubber grasshoppers. In Phys. Ed., we are beginning badminton. In ELA, we are watching videos on how gender is represented by the media.
Good Luck on Final Exams Everyone!
Grade 10 News
Christmas is over, the geese start to relax, the grade 10’s are busy solving problems, learning facts. In English class they’re busy reading Lord of the Flies. Math is trigonometry, find an angle, measure sides. Wildlife examines winter animals’ survivals. Chemistry is finished, no more chemicals in vials. In Social, it’s the British expansion in India. Fitness tests in Wellness, out of breath and bruised fibulas. (Ok, I really stretched that one.) In IA it’s cabinet finishing, the crowns and the kicks. Home Ec is photography – just point and click!
Happy Final Exams, everyone!
Grade 9 News
2012. What a year it’s been so far! We all expected that 2011 would go down as the greatest and best year of our lives, but only three weeks into this new year and that theory is out the window. Our classes have kept us busy for certain. Astronomy, Polynomials, Fitness tests, small engine repair, pyjama sewing, plasticine art, cultural studies… if we were Cub Scouts, our sashes would be full. We’ve also started an amazing book in ELA called The Sunflower, by Simon Wiesenthal. It’s a true story about a prisoner in a concentration camp who encounters a dying Nazi soldier. It’s a book that should be read by everyone.
If you good readers remember, in December the grade nine class conducted some fundraisers through which we hoped to raise some money for various World Vision projects. We were able to raise $500 and we hope that that money will help make a big difference for someone, somewhere. Thanks to all who chipped in.
Grade 8 News
In Social Studies we have completed a Major Research Project on various countries of the world. This will lead into a power Point presentation which is due Jan 19. In Physical Education we are doing our Term 2 Fitness Testing, wrapping up some final basketball skills and planning on going to the rink/ curling rink for some winter fun! (If the weather cooperates) While in English we are working on expository writing. In Math we are working through ratio and proportion. In Science we are completing a Unit on Water Systems on Earth. There will be a major unit exam on this Science Unit around Jan. 25. Finally, in Industrial Arts, we are rushing to finish our woods projects. In Home Ec. we have started working on pj pants, while in Art class we just finished a stained glass project are moving onto frescos paintings.
Grade 7 News
After a very mild introduction to winter, it looks like things could remain chilly for the next week or two. However, things are still warm and cozy in the Grade 7 classroom! We are beginning to look at a thematic unit in ELA: Challenges. We will discuss, explore and delve into challenges literary characters are faced with, as well as reflect upon our own. We are currently studying decimal fractions in math. Social has us investigating Russia, and in Science, we will be experimenting with some mixtures and solutions.
January 27th is our scheduled ski day at Table Mountain. Look for a note to come home in the next day or two which will outline our day. We will be looking for several parent volunteers to join us on our adventure. If you are interested, please give me a call at the school. The class participated in a Prairie Meats fundraiser last week. All orders will be ready for pick up at the school on January 19 at noon. Please ensure you have made arrangements to have your child’s orders picked up at this time. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success. Finally, I look forward to wrapping up our first semester! Report cards will be out shortly. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and we can make arrangements to meet. Thanks to all the parents and families for their support and positive contributions thus far. 2012 is shaping up to be a great