The year is off in full swing and we are busier than ever. In Pre-Calculus, we just wrote a test on Trigonometry. We have not started working on the Quadratic Equation. In English class, we are starting to read To Kill A Mockingbird. In Physics, we are just finishing the Waves Unit, and have a test on Friday. In Biology, we are working through a Ecological Or- ganization Project. In Phys. Ed., we are enjoying some good ole physical activity, but still getting to spend some time outside.
Category Archives: Newsletter
Grade 10 News
The grade 10’s are in the thick of it and having a grand time! ELA continues the study of Megido’s Shadow, a riveting story about a boy in WWI. In science, students have been ex- amining how different coun- tries view resources and the environment. In Home Ec, interior design is the focus, which fits in well with IA, where students are doing Cabinet Making. History has the students examining the recent Wall Street Protests. Which, for some reason, puts me in mind of the pylon tests the kids are doing in Driver’s Ed… Hmmm…
In Math, the study has shifted to Measurement, both imperial and metric (the lucky ducks), and finally in Wellness, the kids are evaluating their personal fitness levels! Have a great month!
Grade 9 News
Someone once said that grade nine was the greatest year of all the school years, and we are beginning to understand what they meant. We love it. We love every minute of it. We get to do so many amazing things and learn so much interesting stuff. For instance, every day we get to go to Mr. Herman’s math class and learn about numbers. RATIOS!! We thought the Exponents unit was terrific and it looks like this whole ratios unit is going to blow it away.
On November 2nd, we get to experience a Grade 9 rite of passage, as we participate in the Canada wide “Take Your Kid to Work Day”. We will be going to work with our parents, or with some- body else, getting a taste of what our teachers refer to as “the real world”. Stay tuned for permission forms.
In English Class we are tackling Sir William Shakespeare’s tragic love story “Romeo and Juliet”. What a story!! We can’t get enough of it. Sometimes, one hour classes simply aren’t long enough. We act it out, we sing songs and yell at each other in old English and learn every step of the way. We even threw our own mas- querade ball as we read that classic scene where Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time. Scandalous.
In Social we have developed deep into our personal histories and learned a great deal about our country, our families and ourselves This is learning at it’s best. Mr. Tyndall is teaching us about the Solar System in Science class. Some things never change…the solar sys- tem, however , does. Bizarre. We know.
Miss Rugg is an artist. She is teaching us Art. Wait until you see the stuff we are creating. You will be very impressed.
We round out our days with fitness testing, small engine repairing, welding and working with grains…GRAINS!!
There is so much more we could tell you, but we’re out of time. If you want to know more, please track us down and ask us. Oh yes, one more thing….235 day until the canoe trip!
Grade 8 News
The grade eights are working on putting their personal possessions away properly as they now have classroom lockers to lock and keep their stuff safe. Social Studies continues to examine the aspects that define culture, we will be having a test on this Unit next week. In ELA we are completing a Novel study on the “Outsiders”. In Health we are working through the Decision Making Process and looking at how subject courses in High School relate to future Jobs and Careers. In Science we are studying Cells, Microscopes and Body Systems. In Math we are completing Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem. Physical Education is starting fitness testing and finishing Volleyball. I.A. is completing the unit on Orthographic (3-D) drafting, while in Art class we have finished Hieroglyphics and are starting Greek Pottery.
Grade 7 News
The year is flying by and the Grade 7 class has been amaz- ingly busy! Currently, the Grade 7s are studying the nov- el, Dust, by Saskatoon author, Arthur Slade. It is a tale of mystery and suspense! So far, the students seem to enjoy it. In Math, students are wrap- ping up their first unit of Patterns and Relations. We have been exploring variables, pattern recognition and the use of manipulatives. Science has the students investigating ecosystems and living organisms. A special thanks to Mrs. Prakash, our senior science teacher, who ordered agar petri dishes for us. We hope to be scouring the school for samples of micro-organisms within the next week; with Halloween around the corner, who knows what kinds of scary things we might find! In Social, the class is studying “Canada’s Pacific Neighbour, Mexico”.
Interim reports went out last week. These reports give you a quick picture of how your child is progressing so far this year. If you have not received your child’s reports, please contact me as soon as possible. I can be reached by phone (544-2511) or via e-mail.
Our first field trip of the year was an absolute success! Students took part in team and relationship building. We went bowling, had a quick lunch, and finally wrapped up the day with swimming and water- sliding. I must say, I am truly enjoying the year so far . Thanks for all the parental support and the positive efforts of all the students. Let’s continue the amazing work!
Grade 6 News
“October has certainly been a time for change in the Grade 6 classroom. Mr. Vedress has taken over teaching duties and we are also pleased to wel- come new student Faith to our classroom community. Thegrade 6er’s raided couches and car seats for loose change and managed to raise an impressive $43 for the Children’s Hospital Fashion Show, showing great community spirit! We have begun the practice of starting every day off with an In-Motion walk in the playground, and in Science, we are looking at animal adaptations by designing our own movie monsters!”
Mr. Mat Vedress
Grade 4 & 5 News
Wow! October already!? We have had a lot of fun since we started the year, making sure to do some learning along the way. After a few weeks of learning to write strong para- graphs, we are just days away from starting our autobiog- raphies in ELA. Science has taken us in the direction of Light, how it is produced, absorbed and travels. Mrs. Kinzel has been teaching our Social Studies class and we are learning about First Nations and Metis history in Canada and Saskatchewan. In Grade 4, we have finished our first Math Makes Sense Unit- Patterns and Equations and are moving on to Unit 2- Whole Numbers. We have done some amazing optical illusion art and are not moving on to fall and Halloween themed art projects.
Our class bubble gum machine is almost full!! It seems as though the students have been ‘Chewsing’ good books to read! When the machine is completely full, the class is in for a surprise!
Ms. Angela Rancourt
Grade 2 & 3 News
Wow, Halloween is just around the corner! I will soon send out information regarding our Halloween party and potluck lunch. In ELA, we are completing an author study on Eric Carle. As he is also a fabulous illustrator, we have been look- ing into his art techniques and plan to try some of them out in art class. We are also focusing on using clear, concise topics with our writing, focusing more specifically on details. In math, the grade two’s are learning about numbers to one hundred with me, while the grade three’s are learning about numbers to one thousand with Mr. Woods-Fehr. In science, we are nearing the end of our magnet unit, in social studies we are continuing to learn about communities of the past, present, and future, and in health class we are working on self esteem. Have a wonderful fall!
Kindergarten & Grade 1 News
We are very excited for the medieval feast this week! Thanks to our families for providing the food. We have lots of things happening in the K/1 room this month. The Kindergartens have started their printing program and have begun Writer’s Workshop. This is where students are encouraged to tell a story from their life with pictures. In math the Kindergartens are finishing sorting and moving onto patterning. The Ks continue to
work on their letter sounds with Mrs. McGregor . The Grade 1s are working with the Grade 7s on their online family report. I was very pleased with the written reports that were handed in last week. I can tell a lot of work was put into them! In math the 1s are working with 10-frames to develop a sense of what is 10 and what numbers work together to make 10. This will lay a foundation for addition and subtraction. The Grade 1s
have created beautiful water- colour self-portraits in art class! On Monday, October 31st, we will have a day full of Halloween fun! I am happy to help your child put on their costume or feel free to come in and assist with getting every- one ready at lunch.
Art Expression Experience
Calling all senior students from grades 7-12 who are interested in an Art Expression Experience held Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 p.m. for six weeks.
Please contact Ms. Trach or Ms. Thompson if you are interested.