Our IA shop is in desperate need of funds! Over the next 3 years we will likely need about $4000 to replace and maintain aging equipment. To help keep our shop running the Asquith and Perdue IA students have created some beautifully handcrafted pieces that are up for grabs!
1) Please click on the picture/photo to bid on the item. Only bid if you’re prepared to pay for it!
2) Items will be on display April 12th & 13th in the LAS School gym.
3) Facebook Online Auction closes Thursday @ 3pm CST but will continue at the school Thursday until 7:30pm.
4) If you are wanting to purchase an item outright for a fair price and are not able to place a bid online or come to the school, please email leanne.gruending@spiritsd.ca before 3pm on Thursday, April 13th.
5) All orders must be picked up from the school, or drop off can be arranged in Saskatoon.
6) We will accept cash, credit (in person), or e-trasnfer for the winning bids