• Welcome Back: Important Information

    Sept. 2, 2022

    Hello WWB Families,

    Hope you have enjoyed the last few days of your extended summer holidays! WWB staff have been very busy at the school transforming the building from a construction zone back into a learning space ready to welcome students on Tuesday, Sept. 6. While our classrooms will be ready, we do ask for your patience and understanding as common areas are finished up by contractors. Unfortunately, we will not have access to our gym for the month of September, but both Dalmeny and Borden have graciously offered to allow us to use their gymnasiums to get our Volleyball programs started. It will also give us the opportunity to get outdoors with our phys-ed classes and take advantage of the beautiful fall weather. By the end of September, the first phase of renovations should be complete. You will notice much more natural light inside the school, along with brand new HVAC and sprinkler systems, enhanced insulation, and an updated facade. We are excited about the transformation the school has undergone and cannot wait to have students join us in a safer, healthier, and more welcoming space. Please see below for some important information regarding our return to school next week.

    • School doors will be open at 8:30 a.m. and our first class begins at 8:50 a.m.
    • Please check our website, https://blogs.spiritsd.ca/wwb/ for important information and updates including our new student handbook and course registration forms.
    • If you have not yet submitted a course registration form, please download it from our website, and send it to wwb@spiritsd.ca or drop it off at the school. This includes all grade 7-9 students for their QUAD electives and grade 10-12 students for their regular classes.
    • We are moving to a new grading and communication software called EDSBY this year. There are still some kinks being worked out and parents do not yet have access. We will provide information about how to use this program as soon as we are able.
    • We are planning a welcome back barbeque for families the week of Sept. 12-16. Details will be sent to families next week.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us at the school if you have any questions. Have a fantastic long weekend and see you next week!


    Joel Driedger: Principal
    Brett Rowland: Vice-Principal

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